Montréal lose the Shriners' Hospital to London, Ontario.

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Master Sergeant
BREAKING NEWS : Fascism going up in Québec, Shriners out !

Today, Shriners decided to move their Children Hospital from Montréal to London, Ontario. The organisation claimed that they were afraid of being traped in an Independent Québec, with those suckers of fascists freak that are the Parti Québécois' minions.

That's the best proof that Québec is an hopeless republic in the asshole of America.

May the last one to get out of here shut down the light, please ?
I feel for you Maestro, I lived in Montreal for 3.5 years and dealt with the PQ language police a few times. One time we threw them out of our office.

After Levequse died I thouth the PQ would die down a bit, but is seems they're still around
I cant quite understand it Maestro surly being a Canadian under the Canadian flag is what its all about there's no harm in being proud of your ancestry but that's all it is. I dare say FBJ yourself or many others have come from immigrant stock at some time in the not too distant past but
you are what you are. Not French, English, Irish, Scottish, or whatever proud of your past yes but not part of it.
I'll jump in one more time, here's a brief history of the PQ and some of their antics...

In 1976 the Parti Québécois (PQ), a party of French-Canadian nationalists formed in 1970, won control of the provincial parliament under René Lévesque. The new government initiated a series of language and cultural reforms whereby the use of English was discouraged; this caused an out-migration of English-speakers and their companies, mainly to Ontario. During the 1980s, however, Montreal attracted many high-technology and financial services companies.

In 1980, Lévesque's plan for an independent Quebec, called sovereignty-association, was rejected in a provincial referendum by 60% of the voters. The PQ was returned to power in 1981, however, and in 1982 the provincial government refused to accept the new Canadian constitution. From 1985 to 1994, the Liberal party, led by Robert Bourassa and Daniel Johnson, controlled the assembly. In 1987 there appeared to be progress on the issue of Quebec separatism, when the Meech Lake Accord was signed, but the accord collapsed in 1990. A package of constitutional reforms was subsequently drafted by the Canadian government and presented to voters in a national referendum in Oct., 1992, but it was defeated.

In 1994 the PQ, now led by Jacques Parizeau, regained control of the provincial government. A referendum on independence was narrowly defeated in Oct., 1995. Parizeau announced his resignation and was replaced in 1996 by Lucien Bouchard, who had led the Bloc Québécois in Ottawa. Quebec was recognized by Parliament as a "distinct society" because of its language and culture and was granted a veto over constitutional amendments. Separatists said the changes were symbolic and vowed to continue their struggle. They suffered two blows in 1998, however, when Canada's Supreme Court ruled that Quebec could not legally secede on its own and the PQ's majority shrank in provincial elections.

In 1999 polls showed that support for secession had shrunk to about 40% of Quebec voters; in the Oct., 2000, national elections the Bloc Québécois received fewer votes than the Liberals for the first time since 1980. A federal law designed to make it harder for Quebec to secede was passed in July, 2000; it required that a clear majority support a clearly worded proposition and that borders, the seceding province's responsibility for a share of the national debt, and other issues be resolved by negotiations. In 2001, Bouchard resigned; he was succeeded as premier by the new PQ party leader, Bernard Landry. The Liberals, led by Jean Charest, decisively defeated the PQ in the Apr., 2003, elections, and Charest became premier. The Bloc Québécois scored gains in the June, 2004, national elections, but the vote was regarded more as a rejection of the Liberals than as support for secession.
Trudeau should have let the RCMP and/or the Army eliminate those freaks back in the '70's.
This whole damn half-assed country is tearing itself apart. In what other developed country on earth would a separatist party be even allowed to gain seats in federal politics?

Maestro is right. The Bloc Québécois and their Parti Québécois predecessors have been nothing but right-wing francophone lunatics who want to break off from Canada and form their own quasi-fascist French language state! The federal government of this country has long given Québec far, far too much provincial sovereignty, trying to appease the separatists, and of course they only want more and more.The last simple-minded prime minister of ours, Jean Chrétien, added fuel to the fire with his so-called "national unity strategy" by pouring more and more federal money into Québec, while essentially telling the rest of the country to go fuck itself!

It's on the verge of happening, I'm telling ya!
I had to go the "Qubec Immagration" every year to get my medical cards renewed (I was paying Canadian and Quebec taxes, of I should say my company was). Anyway I would love showing up to their offices wearing a 10 gallon cowboy hat, snakeskin cowboy boots, Wrangler Jeans, and a fringed swede jacket. Then I would tell them I was bi-lingial, I spoke "anglish" and "Texican."

Once they challanged me for living there and I told them, "Oh we'll just pack up our program out of Canadair and move it to Toronto, that will be another 200 jobs Quebec will loose to Ontairo and I'll also make sure on the way out I send a press release to to Montreal Gazzette as well."
They don't get it! Or they don't care, I don't know! They're not making many fast friends, I can tell you that! But the feds in Ottawa have been doing their share to fast track the process too, by bending over to them on nearly every occasion!
What the separatists really want is to become a completely sovereign, self-governing state within Canada. Their goal is to be completely free of their share of the national debt, while enjoying the benefits of Ottawa's "assistance". And the government just keeps giving, and giving, and giving, while everywhere else health care, education, and my personal favourite: The military, continues to suffer and grow worse!

Christ, no wonder people think Canada is f*cked! I would!
trackend said:
Please do Maestro i'm all ears (thats why I look revolting) no eyes or nose just ears.
Seriously I would like to know Maestro

FBJ did a great job up there, but I'll try to add some more. By the way, I'm sorry you had to deal with those PQ assholes, FBJ. They really are f*ckers. When I passed my year in Industrial Drawing course, in 2001-2002, we had the same problem (because computer programs used to draw (i.e. AutoCAD) were in English version). For them everything must be French.

Of corse, I'm French-Canadian, but I get pissed-off when I see how the separatist minority (but that minority is controlling medias such as TV and radio as well as public schools) acts in front of everything that is NOT French, catholic, trade-unionist, separatist and fascist. Here are a few examples :

- War in Iraq : Québecers forced Jean Chrétien to NOT go at war beside USA and UK.

- In many public schools (most of the time ONLY in public schools), history teachers are telling their student how much Hitler was a great man and how we were forced by the bad English Canadians to go at war against our great German friend. (For the ones who did not got it, I was trying to be sarcastic.)

- On 9/11, some journalists said that it was USA's fault. They said that if USA was not threating Muslism like they did, they would never been attacked. And they defended the attack on civilan lives by saying that USA killed a lot of civilan with their blockade on Muslism countries, so it was just a "money-back".

- When a 18 year old girl was arrested in an African country by trying to exchange false travel-checks around a year ago and was freed in March (if I remember well), she decided to write a book about her experience and Michel Brûlé, the president of the publishing company "Les Intouchables", (that guy is one of the greatest assholes I ever saw) said that the book is gonna tell how the Americans, with their Hollywoodian movies, hijacked her mind.

- Whatever USA does, they're always wrong...

- Whatever happen, it's always USA's fault...

The only thing these f*ckers are forgeting is that USA is our main Ally and our main customer (beef, wood, etc...). If they get pissed-off, like I would be if I was American, they would "close" their borders and let us die in our corner. Or it could be worst... Anyone ever heard about the word "war" ? It would be the shortest counter-attack ever !
Thanks for the insight lads not the best way to make a country remain stable is it. I don't like separatist organizations that cherry pick off the back of the rest of a country while at the same time shouting Independence its not Independence its what we would call sponging.

That's an other side I forgot about.

If it continues like this, Québec will become independent, but not because it wanted it : Québec will be kicked out of Canada.
Counter attack?! Yeah, that's a good one! With what?! Jesus Christ, we don't even have a real military anymore! It's just as well that moron Chrétien didn't commit us to Iraq, because he did everything in his power to destroy us (the Forces) while he could! We're a joke!


What those separatists always fail to recognize is that Québecers aren't the only French-Canadians. Acadians live throughout Maritime Canada, and there are fairly large populations of Métis out west in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Even Manitoba has several francophone communities. They haven't exactly lost their language or culture, despite what the BQ or PQ would love to preach!

You know guys, you reminded me of when I was there and traveling through western NB. There were many "Francophone's" (I haven't used that world in a long time) who were friendly and easy to converse with. Although my French was limited, they were real easy to get along with, seemed privileged that I would attempt to converse with them in French (even though the conversation switched to English as they could barely understand me ) and made no bones about feeling that NB was a true "bilingual Provence," and how they hated the PQ and the way they treated the rest of English Canada. One guy told me that he avoided talk about Canada when he was in the US as he didn't wanted to be mistaken for those PQ assholes! He said the separatists have forever given the rest of French Canada a bad name!

You know, I've always felt that many years ago the PQ had a chance to "Put it right," and establish "sane" French language rights in Quebec, but instead it seems they want to "Punish" the English-speaking and anyone who used English. You would of though that after the 1980 referendum the PQ would of put it to rest, but this shows just how stupid they really are!
Yeah, New-Brunswick citizens are easy to get along with. Most English speaks French and most French speaks English. So there is not much problems to be understood.

Like I said in an other thread : "If I was gambler, I could bet 100$ that PQ is gonna put a "Referendary Election" for the next one. Because they are almost sure to be elected because of the Gommery Affair and they want Québec to be a country so bad that they don't bother to start a civil war."

Oh, and you're right. English in Québec are treated like criminals. We're not far away from Nazi extermination camps... It may be a rotten analogy, but it's looking that way.
New Brunswick has the right idea. As you said FBJ, they're the only officially bilingual province in the country, and they've been that way since the beginning of Confederation. Québec would have done well to follow that example way back when, instead of listening to the Lévesque assholes. Before the Bill 101 crap, which made French the only permissible language for use in everything from newspapers to road signs in Québec, there were many "anglophones" there. Not only have the English-Canadians been all but forced out, but many international corporations refuse to even do business there. Maestro made a good point with that earlier.

The Acadians of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick don't live in fear of cultural extinction. Far from it. They celebrate their culture every chance they get, and at the same time live side by side with everyone else. They're an integral part of Nova Scotian and New Brunswick society.
Yea, you guys are reminding me of my days in Montreal. Where I lived in Pointe Claire, I had a rooftop apartment and had a Canadian, Quebec and US flag flying off the roof. The apartment manager said that some PQ asshole that lived in the building got offended by the flags. I went out and got a pirate flag - skull and crossbones and flew it for a week, until the manager aksed be to put the original flags back! 8)

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