Moral objections on warfare.

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RG_Lunatic said:
As for the current situation, I think some changes in policy need to be adopted. Old men should not have their hands bound behind them, a hood placed over their heads, and then be loaded into a cramped back of a truck and driven for hours across the hot desert to an interrogation center. Evidently a surprisingly large number of such detainee's have died in transit in Iraq and Afganistan. Nothing breeds a terrorist faster than such treatment of their fathers and granfathers.



When I picked them up in my helicopter, I was glad they had a bag over there head and they were bound with zip ties to there feet and hands. They shoot at my comrads and use cowardice tactics of hit and run, they deserve no better to me. Just my opinion.
I still cannot understand why the Japanese officers and men involved with the Japanese POW system were not shot after the end of the war. In my opinion, unless a prisoner stood up for these Japanese (some were actually not so bad) they should have been shot or hung.


I agree with Adler... They shouldn't be trusted... A few days ago 3 romanian reporters have been kidnapped by a terrorist group in Irak, which threathens to kill them all... What kind of a war is this???
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
I will agree with you on this 100%.
Make that 200% Adler never mind about bleeding Knights of the Bushido
I'd give them bloody Knights, more like night nights with a bullet through the swede and I mean it too. To treat POW's and Civillians as they did warrants nothing less than termination from the face of this planet. Is there honour in using a trust up POW for bayonet practice or burying women and kids alive or worse. Even now if they are found they should be topped same goes for those pigs from the concentration camps.
What I think is wiered is why is there not search for these Japanese prison guards like there is a search for NAZI concentrations camp guards or criminals. I saw a documentary on this there are more than 24 on going cases right now in the United States and a trial going on in Munich, Germany right now against Nazi war criminals however you never hear anythign about the other bad ones from Japan or Russia. I think they should be accounted for also.
Dead right mate just because there old men is no excuse. I wonder as you do what makes the Japanese immune from justice I can understand to a certain extent in the case of Russia as for many years it was a closed society and even things like the Katyn Woods crimes only became acknowledged relatively recently by Gorbachev so tracking WW2 criminals would be very difficult. But Japan is an open democracy these days, or do you think Adler it,s only open from 1946 onwards?

Are you in favor of applying the same penalties you describe here in such an intense fashion, on those British soldiers who commited war crimes during WWII?

I mean, there are still British vets of WWII alive in present-day England; you clearly stated being real old means nothing if someone did nasty stuff: so, would you support a cause to indict British war criminals who have not been prosecuted?

Following your logic, I am sure England has some people living there who would deserve being shot or hung.
Oh, without a doubt. There were British, American, Canadian servicemen who committed wanton acts of outright murder. It happened.
I agree wholeheartedly that anyone found to be guilty of war crimes ought to be punished accordingly. Anyone.
I tend to see some difference between acts committed in the field and those committed against the interned.


Yes Udet. If they commited a crime as repugnant , irrespective of nationality whats the point of fighting the war if you then allow your own side to degenerate to the level of these people.
but at the same time you have to see it from their pij t of view, they see these people killing their friends, this is gonna make them angry and in the heat of the moment it's understandable why they'd commit a war crime.............
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
trackend said:
Yes Udet. If they commited a crime as repugnant , irrespective of nationality whats the point of fighting the war if you then allow your own side to degenerate to the level of these people.

This is how I see it also.

I generally agree. The exception would be "on the spot" retribution. You capture a Concentration camp or Japanese POW camp for instance... your men end up shooting or hanging some or all of the officers and gaurds, even though they have surrendered.


I agree RG perhaps if I had walked into Belsen or Dachau I dont think I could have had that amount of self discipline to accept their surrender, war crime or not and I think you would probably get away with it as indeed lots did.


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