Most Beautiful Aircraft

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To me there are only a few ugly planes but for proportions and clean lines the B-29 has got em all beat esp if its a striped plane (without turrets).

To me the most beautiful aircraft of WW2 were the Spitfire, Bf-109, Mosquito, and the Me-262. Each in there own way. I really like the sleakness and all around shapes of the Spitfire and I like the evil looking beauty of the Bf-109.
I like the evil looking beauty of the Bf-109.

I appreciate your view. The F-4 has a similar functional beauty.

As I said before, it's a "I don't care about any beauty contest, I want to go out and fight".
the 109 really is symbolic... "here come the bad guys" I agree with that evil beauty...

McDonnell XP-67

talk about sleek

found these pics in the Advanced a/c thread... post by JonJGolberg
I love the bf 109 F, late G and K models, the Ki-61 is a good looking plane, the Tempest looks powerful, the mig-15 is classic, and so is the Me-262 with it's shark like lines


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Here are some more I like. The Saab 35 Draken, theFiat G-55, the Heinkel He-100, Fw 200 and the insane lookin B-36


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There's not many aircraft you can fit a nuclear reactor onboard.

I'm with Gnomey and cheddar cheese, the late model Dinah is nice to look at.
How's this for a beautiful aircraft. The father of the B-2, Tacit Blue!


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