Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

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  • Waist Gunner(s)

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Lanc what bomber type and mission profile? I say a torpeado plane that dose not have high cover is going to take a lot of hits and the pilot is the worst place. But as the B-24s showed even they flying high got a lot of pain from the flak.

So hear is a question, would you rather fly into flak or fighters?
I would rather fly into fighters. That way your gunners would at least have a chance of taking the fighters out. And as you would be in a bomber you would be in a formation more than likely - strength in numbers. Also there would probably be fighter escort.

But I would still take the enemy fighters situation over FLAK anyday of the week... Ive read some after action reports from bomber crews and its almost sickening the loss of life there was... One article I read stated that on a run over Dusseldorf (I think) in the matter of 1 minute, 20 B-17s went down to FLAK.... They were on their bomb run, armed and open, when the FLak hit...

Thats insane....
Yes, I don't like the prospect of a 88mm or 105mm FlaK shell ripping into the bombers bodywork. But I think the prospect of being chased down by a Schwalbe blazing four 30mm is just as scary.
After seeing some of the pictures of flak over some targets, I think I would rather take my chances with a fighter. Not that either sounds pleasant, but at least with the fighter you can see it coming. Flak just hits. You could wind up well ventilated by either though.
And as you would be in a bomber you would be in a formation more than likely - strength in numbers

that's not really true, the americans thought that if they put their B-17s in huge formations they would be able to protect each other, didn't really work...................
But in practice it didn't. In fact a lot of the time they ended up shooting each other.
I thought it was a benefit in American regimes, easier to shoot each other.

Don't ask me, I'm preparing to get drunk. Don't ask him...he's well...people in the medical practice generally start the speech with "I'm sorry..." when they tell families their son has what lanc has.
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