Most Dangerous Position on a Bomber....?

Whats the most dangerous position on an Allied Bomber during WW2?

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Now have we run our coarse on this topic? The topic being bomber positions?

I would hope not!

Why not talk Divebombers? A Hellcat would be a good bet to be alive in. ;)
but the hellcat wasn't a proper divebomber, it was a fighter that could carry a bomb and most planes that could carry a bomb (not all due to propeller clearance), could dive bomb, that doesn't make tham a dive bomber...................
True Lanc. Having just prepared for a presentation on the Hellcat, I can say that it's primary role was a fighter and strafer. It could carry up to 2,000 lbs. of bombs (1 x 1,000 lbs. on each wing, or 6 rockets on pylons), but it was a fighter first. They had aircraft on the carriers specifically designed to be dive-bombers, like the TBM/TBF Avenger.
due to the fact the avenger had a proper bomb bay i don't think it was intended as a dive bomber, it was a torpedo bomber, the dauntless was a dive bomber.................

interestingly did you know that when the avenger was first flown they found it handled to well, to much like a fighter, so they had to "heavy up" the controlls so young pilots wouldn't get carried away with their flying.................
well due to the fact that it was designed by the same people that made pretty damn good fighters, they'd made a torpedo bomber that was manouverable, that sounds like a good thing but it's bad for two reasons:-
1) the young pilots joining the navy were used to flying manouverable trainers, as such if they were put in a manouverable plane they may get a bit carried away with their flying and end up killing themselfs.............
2) for a torpedo launch you need a steady run, if your plane has very sensitive controlls it may jerk around suddenly just as you're dropping your fish, putting it off corse..................

also your crew mates not belted down into a seat might not approve of you flying upside down or pulling major Gs..............
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