3P51 s could be built for 2P47s.????HUH????
The FW-190 is often in arguments as one of the finest piston planes ever produced.
Just because it was expensive to build doesn't mean it didn't live up to the hype.
And while the P-39 didn't perform up to American standards in the PTO or ETO, it did very well in India/Burma and I think the Russian kills in it showed what it could do when given to a determined force.
I would have to go with Jank and pick the P-51. It's given all the glory, it's the cadillac of the sky, etc. Well you know what?????? I wouldn't have a cadillac. Comfy car for sure. But Lord help your wallet when it breaks. And if you shot it with anything bigger than a .22, it was going down.
The P47 was most likely to come home when hit, but the P51 was a better escort.
Pilots cried when they had to switch to the Mustang, as the P47 offered so much pilot protection.
The P51 is still a great plane though, the P47 is underrated.