michael rauls
Tech Sergeant
- 1,679
- Jul 15, 2016
Well I certainly don't fancy myself an expert but I have read those same numbers 277 and 88 respectively I believe,from several sources so I accepted them. Perhaps its the month of big week, Febuary they are refering to? Even using your numbers however the p51s claimed a minority of kills be it a substantial minority which still makes my point which was not that the 51 was not a great airplane, it was. The point and the subject of this thread is the most overrated aircraft. As far as the range I am looking at as I type a coppy of Americas 100,000 probably the definitive book on the subject as far as I know and the figures given are for the p47 d-23 l(still the earlier razor back version I believe) and given with 5 minutes fuel for warm up and take off, climb to 25,000 feet, cruise at 25,000 feet, 5 minutes air combat power,15 minutes at military power, cruise back at 25,000 feet, and 30 minutes reserve at minimum cruise power with 300 external gal capacity. The combat radius given is 670 miles making Berlin well within range at 589 miles from boxted and thats with 30 min reserve! So my comment was on the topic of the thread" the most over rated aircraft" not that the p51 wasn't good. By the end of febuary 44 I think everyone would agree that the Luftwaffe was past the bend in the attrition curve(every historian I have ever read on the subject says we achieved air suppirriority by march so they were certainly on the downward slope by February) and the p51s had only accounted for a small minority of kills up to that time so by definition the often quoted" the p51 turned things around" is not true and an example ot the topic" most overrated aircraft", "the only fighter that could take the bombers to Berlin and back "being another sterling example.