Movie - A Bridge Too Far

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
This movie came on this morning and it's been years since I've seen it. I am impressed by the number of A-list actors in that movie.

Michael Caine
James Caan
Sean Connery
Elliott Gould
Gene Hackman
Anthony Hopkins
Ryan ONeil
Lawrence Olivier
Robert Redford

One of those all star war movies like Midway and Battle of the Bulge.
I didn't like "A bridge too far". As far as I'm concerned, it should be called "A star too many". I hate the picture made of the Dutch people singing the same silly song over and over (and an irrelevant one, too). It seems like it didn't matter to the movie makers as long as it was Dutch.
I thought the movie didn't justice to the real effort made by Allied soldiers on our soil in market garden.

What movie ever did do justice to the efforts made by the soldiers involved? The directors weren't there, and typically by the time a movie comes out its so far past the actual events that the memories of those involved have faded a bit. Besides....the era of movies that those came out in weren't going for blood and gore and realism. Not by today's standards, of course. Great movies, otherwise.
A Bridge too Far was a very good movie, especially for the time it was made. Attenborough took on a very difficult task in trying to portray the battle, and the major **** up, in the relatively short space of the movie, even though it was a long programme.
I was fortunate enough to be one of the 'extras', one of the hundreds of British Paras, parachuting somewhere way off in the background. Unfortunately, I didn't get to 'jump' one of the C47's, being in one of the C130's, above, and out of shot, of the Dak's as they flew over the DZ. Still a great experience though, even though we were given wooden mock-ups of Lee enfield No.4 rifles, in case we would be 'in shot' when leaving the DZ.
Was in Tesco today, picked up a 3 DVD set, A Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day and Battle of Britain. Planning to have a WW2 movie day on Sunday!

I'll keep an eye out for you Terry!
Sounds cool, but nothing special, just another jump. The only real difference was, that instead of just the Company Sergeant Major shouting at us, we had some bl**dy 'luvvy' doing the same!
But it was special inasmuch as we were dropping onto those DZ's.....

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