Musician Obituaries

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The cool thing about musicians -- and all artists, really -- is that we live on through our art, even once we've died.
Strongly agreed with you.

As we say in Persian:

مرد نکونام نمیرد هرگز
مرده آنست که نامش به نکویی نبرند

A good man never dies!
A dead man is the one that no one calls him good!

We lost Brian Travers of UB40 yesterday.

This post is a little different because I knew Brian well, and had done for about forty years. I also know his wife Lesley who is the sister of another very good friend. This was not entirely unexpected for those that knew him, not that it makes his loss any the lesser.

I had a chat with Tony, another member of the band today, and they are, frankly, at a loss. Sad times.

Our condolences To you, his family and friends.

may his soul rests in eternal peace.
My condolences Steve, sad to hear
As a fan of the band, I want to extend my condolences to Mr. Travers's family and friends.
Very sad loss indeed.
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The sound of Bob Lamb's flat!

Bob and the band did much of the work for that first album at Bob's flat on Cambridge Road in Kings Heath. At the time Bob was also working as the drummer for another well known local band, the Steve Gibbons Band (which included Trevor Burton previously of The Move) who gained considerable exposure supporting The Who. I understand that Bob did very well from 'Signing Off'!

Shout out to Steve, with Bob Lamb on drums, Trevor Burton on bass and silly hat, Dave Carroll (now lives in Canada) and Bob Wilson on guitars.

Never heard of Steve Gibbons, but that was a cool video.
Adella has long been my favourite UB40 song.
Great background story on Bob Lamb. Thanks for filling in the gaps.
Here's a bit of a contrast. Sarah Harding of British girl group Girls Aloud lost her battle with cancer.

Sarah I also knew, though not well. I worked with Girls Aloud on all their tours, from the first theatre tour to the final shows in London's O2 arena.

She made the best of what she had and was always a good laugh, friendly and gracious, unlike some of her bandmates. I was sorry to hear that she's gone.


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