MV-22 Osprey

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Thought you guys might want to see this. Rather interesting. According to this chart only the development lifecycle has been longer. As I recall (at least a few years ago), a Class A is $1M or more damage.


Class A is 1mil or more in damage, but also a fatality regardless of damage...
And for those who think this is new technology. Here some aircraft that were conceived late 40s to early fifties. Others from the 60s. First tilt rotor to take off - transition to level flight - land vertically was in 1956.


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Nice pics Matt. THrow on the massive size of the MV-22, it's gross weight capabilities, the power needed for that, and to transmit this power SAFELY and RELIABLY, that's the big problem posing the tiltrotor.
Anyone familiar with the Fokker that took a F-104 fuselage and mounted wing tip engines? I've read the story in the past, but wondered if the Forum had discussed it.
I can foresee it as useful for fast assault missions where you get the speed of a plane and the hover ability of a helicopter. Anti-drugs missions perhaps... Rapid Response Counter-terrorism perhaps... Probably won't be long before it shows up in other liveries such as Police Departments...
I can foresee it as useful for fast assault missions where you get the speed of a plane and the hover ability of a helicopter. Anti-drugs missions perhaps... Rapid Response Counter-terrorism perhaps... Probably won't be long before it shows up in other liveries such as Police Departments...

I don't think police dept's will be shelling out that kind of loot for a MV-22...
Bell did develop a commercial tilt wing aircraft, the "609." I don't think it went anywhere...


The big problem with "Tilt Wing" in the civilian world is how you certificate the aircraft. Is it a helicopter or airplane? I know the Feds here in the US were going nuts over this and the last I heard they were making a tilt wing class and category for the aircraft and pilot's rating.
England and Isreal have expressed interest in buying the Osprey but no official orders have been placed.

Sorry but I haven't heard a squeak about this anywhere and to be honest I doubt if we would go for it.
We have the new nuclear subs being ordered, Aircraft carriers, Typhoon and the F35 to pay for whilst we cannot afford decent ammo for our HMG's, enough protection for the soldiers and the Para's are likely not to be trained in parachuting until 2012 to save money.
To cap it all, believe it or not our new Scotish regiments don't have enough kilts to go around and they are having to share.

To say we are going to go for the Osprey sounds like a whistle in the wind.
yes i've not heard anything about it either, i see no great need for us having them.............

It is expensive - but it's performance is spectacular. Opens up a whole new capability to rotory wing A/C. It's capabilities are impressive. Many aircraft have had problems and mishaps that cost lives and equipment. Having 2 squadrons of the beast in the fleet, and more just about to transition from phrogs, we will no doubt see the record of the osprey improve.
Sorry but I haven't heard a squeak about this anywhere and to be honest I doubt if we would go for it.
We have the new nuclear subs being ordered, Aircraft carriers, Typhoon and the F35 to pay for whilst we cannot afford decent ammo for our HMG's, enough protection for the soldiers and the Para's are likely not to be trained in parachuting until 2012 to save money.
To cap it all, believe it or not our new Scotish regiments don't have enough kilts to go around and they are having to share.

To say we are going to go for the Osprey sounds like a whistle in the wind.

If you go to Global Security's website and that of Boeing they talk about it there.

Notice I said that no official offers or orders have been placed and as for England they probably never will place orders either...
Bell did develop a commercial tilt wing aircraft, the "609." I don't think it went anywhere...


The big problem with "Tilt Wing" in the civilian world is how you certificate the aircraft. Is it a helicopter or airplane? I know the Feds here in the US were going nuts over this and the last I heard they were making a tilt wing class and category for the aircraft and pilot's rating.

I was talking to the FAA guy that runs our mil comp exams over in Pensacola, and he said that the FAA is issuing a specific tiltrotor rating for that type of A/C. Good thing about this program for me is that i'll score Single Engine land, multi engine land, rotor, tilt-rotor, and instrument ratings... talk about expensive training!
And remember the 609 is a joint Bell-Augusta venture. I hope the technology takes off, pardon the pun. Seems like a lot of promise for such a capable aircraft.
I was talking to the FAA guy that runs our mil comp exams over in Pensacola, and he said that the FAA is issuing a specific tiltrotor rating for that type of A/C. Good thing about this program for me is that i'll score Single Engine land, multi engine land, rotor, tilt-rotor, and instrument ratings... talk about expensive training!
It's almost as rare as an ATP Blimp rating!

That's one I hope you never let go!!!
Better yet, I hope the Gov't makes you offers you can't refuse! $. Perks. Good duty stations. Housing. Medical. Bonuses. A lot of money is going into your training and in typical DoD fashion they will probably shortchange you and chase you off to the civil side. Hope they change how they operate. We need more highly trained, educated, and motivated guys like you Mkloby.

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