I was advised to start a new thread and maybe get some answers. I have a deep passion for all veterans, young and old for their contributions, dedication and the part they play for all our freedoms. My name is Ron, 53 y/o son of a WWII veteran. I found this website while looking for info on my father. Like so many, my father never talked about the war. I'm sure a lot of WWII veterans dealt with the horrors of war the same way. I am on a quest to personally honor him for his service. He passed in 1980 while I was too young to understand his reluctance to speak of his role in the war. All that I can remember was him briefly mentioning Guam. I have found he was in Naval Air with a final rank as AOM1c(CA). I have a few pictures and his separation notice and that's it! On section 24 on his separation notice, it lists a few vessels/ stations (VPB-1, CASU*35 and CASU-12). There is very, very little information that is available through the usual web searches and I thought maybe someone on this forum would have a clue or even a path to where I could find more. It seems there was a fire in a records storing facility where a lot were lost forever. Any information or ideas would greatly be appreciated.
God bless America and our veterans that gave so much!
God bless America and our veterans that gave so much!