My flight in a B-17 Flying Fortress.

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Aug 21, 2007
Went on a flight a few months back and figured I'd post up a few photos.

I bought my dad a ticket last year, and he returned the favor this year. An expensive flight, but it was worth every minute.

I was able to stand up and stick my head out from the top. Such an amazing view!

Scanning the horizon for the enemy.

Interesting view of the engine...

Next year I'm hoping to fly in a B25.
I've seen that one and the other Collings Foundation birds. I'll get a ride on one of them eventually...
Back in the early '50's, we had two of them at NAS Norfolk, when I was
in VC-62. One was set up for VIP (party) transport, the other for SAR.
I flew in both of them many, many times. We called them PB-1's. It is
quite a bird !!

One thing thats hard to describe about flying in these old warbirds is the noise and vibration.


It was by far the loudest, coldest, roughest plane ride I've ever been on and loved every second! Although I don't know where people got the courage to be on a plane like this for hours on end with the possibility of not coming back. A truly great generation.

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