MYK design decals => Japanese translator ???

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011
I was seeking information on the Tainan Kokutai and Toshio Ota during Spring Summer 1942 when I found this:

from here
??A6M2b ?????????????????? (MYK DESIGN DECALS)

I tried to translate the japanese with Google but not sure about the result. Apparently, if I well understood, this manufacturer talks about A6M [V-191] flown by Toshio Ota.
I didn't know aircraft flown by him, I only know that probably V-103, V-107 and V-128 (flown by S. Sakai) were in Tainan Kok. in the same time that T. Ota...
Anybody could confirm the traduction about V-191 and T. Ota please ? And, if someone have some information about V-191, I'm very interested !!!
For the moment, I try to buy "Eagles of the Southern Sky" by Michael John Claringbould Luca Ruffato to get some information...

TIA, cheers
Though I am not familiar with each squadron history/designation and have no time to research, the explanation says -


We have featured decals "V-191" for First Sgt Toshio Ota who performed the formation loop above Port Moresby with Nishizawa and Sakai, "V-121" for Lt Junichi Sasai who was nicknamed "Richthofen of Rabaul", "V-117" for Capt Hideki Shingo who was a squadron leader of Tainan Ku and others like "V-158", "V-110", "V-172"!
A BIG THANK YOU Sensei Shinpachi
I would like to know where MYK found this information about V-191 flown by T. Ota...???

I finally ordered the book...!!! I read critics about it and it seems it's one of the better books about Tainan kokutai of these last years...
I receive it within 8/10 days...
I write on this old post cause I keep searching infos about probable Toshio Ota planes. I didn't find any infos in the book above (about Ota).
Ok, below, it's only an illustration (don't know the source) titled "the cleanup trio" of Tainan Kokutai...

- V-103 => S. Sakai. We know that the wreck of the V-103 found in 1993 wore red chevron and white tail stripe. We also know that the pilot was Tora'ichi Tkatsuka in September 1942. This aircraft (c/n 3647) left the Mitsubishi factory on 3 March 1942. Sakai probably flown this aircraft between April and August 1942 in 2 Chutai (with blue chevron...)
- V-191 => T. Ota
- V-171 => J. Sasai
But I wondered if an A6M2 coded V-191 is possible ? I thought that the V-19x were A6M3s... Also something is missing on this aircraft: the Chutai chevron on the fuselage ?
More than 3 years later, anybody to help me please ?
The cleanup trio was Sakai, Ota/Ohta and Nishizawa. From another source I have Nishizawa flying V-171, so I think Sasai as V-171 is wrong. I think the photos are confirmation ....
BTW I have Sasai as V-138 and V-109

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