NATO days 2010, Ostrava, Czech Republic

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If it's the one I think it is, rescued from, I think, India and then restored from a pile of scrap, I think I saw it at Duxford, the day before we arrived at Slavicin last year. I'll check my pics to see if I can see the serial number - it was parked behind a Spit in one of the hangars, so couldn't get a clear shot.

They say on their web that this is the one and last Hurry that participated on BoB.
Just checked my Duxford pics Roman, and the Hurricane is not the same one. I've read the book on the one visiting Ostrava, and it is the one I was thinking of, but I haven't seen it - yet!
it's been restored right down to the last detail, as it was in the BoB - fantastic.
Hello Terry, oh yeah, we did have a great time!
Time to post pics-lets start with Hurry...


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