Nazi gold train found ?

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If you did find some M&M share certificates you'd probably find that Milo Minderbender had built in some way in which only he and not you could profit from them!

As for salt and pepper with my hat, I am completely confident that no Spitfires will emerge from crates in Burma. There has been a recurring story that the Australians secreted some (sometimes it's Merlin engines) in tunnels or abandoned minds. The paper trail here does exist up to a point. Post war the Australian government was given permission by the UK government to dispose of surplus Spitfires and spares, which the UK government still owned. That's where the official trail ends, what actually happened to them is not known beyond that they were sold to various scrap merchants. Why would a scrapper then bury the aircraft and spares given that the reason they were scrapped was because, in the words of the Australian government in their petition to the UK, there was 'no market' for them? He wouldn't. He'd realise his profit by scrapping them. For this reason I am 99% confident that no Spitfires or Merlins will emerge from an Aussie mine, not quite 100% as in the case of Burma, as there might just have been a very forward thinking Aussie scrap man around in 1946. Why he has not since dug up his stash and realised millions of pounds/dollars in profits might be a bit of a sticking point with that theory.


My dad used to tell a story about those lost spitfires, one of them at least. After the war the engines were offered for sale on the private market. My granfather an his brother very nearly bought one to build an air boat, but changed their mind when they heard about the fuel consumption of the Merlin engines. Hardly any were sold in one piece. Most of the war surplus merlins, including those still in packing cases were melted down.

Ive never thought to verify the story

Similar things happened to the P-40 fleet. Ive seen photos of scores of P-40s being scrapped at Oakey in Qld at the end of the war
Just remember what Catch 22 is. You have to be insane to be excused from combat and if you know you're insane, then you're fit for combat. Now where I did I put my M&M Enterprises shares?

I thought it was...the only way you could get excused from flying is to be have to be insane to want to if you don't want to fly you aren't insane, meaning you have to
I saw a blurb in a local paper saying that the polish are guarding an area where the train is believed to be. gold fever has lead the place to get flooded with treasure hunters....go figure
But still no sign of an actual train/Spitfire/Merlin/Nazi anti gravity machine/Nazi atomic bomb (delete as applicable).


It was buried by "glow in the dark" Jerries. I'll believe the gold train story when I see it exposed. Otherwise, it's nothing more than a Polish Loch Ness monster.
those were probably the same tunnels where they launched the third Reich's flying saucers to the moon...dark side no less. so hell yes there is going to be radiation...
It was buried by "glow in the dark" Jerries. I'll believe the gold train story when I see it exposed. Otherwise, it's nothing more than a Polish Loch Ness monster.
Here's something to think about:
The Polish government did make a statement about the train's discovery, although a little vague on the proof that they had at the time. Then, all of a sudden, the government and media got very quiet.
Not long afterwards, the military shows up with all sorts of specialist teams, closes the tunnel entrances up and chases every one away. Meanwhile, the government starts talking about pressing charges on the two for using unauthorized radar...sounds like an episode from "X-Files", doesn't it?

A whole lot of activity for "nothing to see here, keep moving along".
those were probably the same tunnels where they launched the third Reich's flying saucers to the moon...dark side no less. so hell yes there is going to be radiation...
Nope...the Nazi UFOs were at the secret base in Antarctica

When I first heard the mention of radiation, Radon came to mind, which occurs naturally in bedrock...but I expect that to be used to build up a case to force these guys to give up the location of their find. You know for a fact that the government (and people in the government) wants to get thier hands on that shipment...

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