Need me a M1911 style handgun, looking for suggestions.

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2nd Lieutenant
Sep 11, 2007
OK, been thinking of picking up a M1911 style handgun and am looking for suggestions. Just looking for an all around gun for target shootng/home defence, and some Concealed carry when I go on overnight hikes.
Thinking of something with a shorter barrel, but not one of those mini .45, probably a 4" barrel. Would also like to keep the price somewhere between $700-$900 or so.
So far I've considered a Remington R1 enhanced (even though it has a 5" barrel/slide, and a Ruger SR1911 Commander.
Wondering if you all had any other suggestions that fit my criteria.
I was an Armorer at one time in the infantry many years ago. The M1911A1 style pistols are numerous. Many people I know prefer Glocks. Something in the 9mm range. Smith Wesson is another popular favorite, also in 9mm. Don't buy anything made in China or the middle east. Total crap.
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I like 1911 better, but because of nostalgic reasons (from my time in the Army), I will be getting a Baretta M9 here. After that who knows.

One of the benefits of being back in the US, I can buy firearms again.
A full sized Government model is no more difficult to conceal than a Commander sized pistol. The tough part to concealing either is the grip, which is the same size for either. For target shooting, you're probably going to want a decent set of sights-adjustable aren't really required, but the original "thumbnail" sights are sort of tough to pick up unless your eyesight is good. Novak style sights are durable and will not snag on the draw as some others might, yet offer a very good sight picture. In your price range, Colt, Springfield Armory, Ruger, Kimber and Remington offer a couple models which will suit your needs just fine.
I'm sticking with .45 ACP since I have numerous boxes of ammo from the last time I owned one. I sway to the 1911 simply because I've owned a few in the past and like the feel, and they are pretty basic to dis-assemble.
Will stay away from the foreign 1911 jobs, Rugers claims to be 100% made in the USA, and I've read some good things on them. Kimber and Springfield Armory mostly seem to be out of my price range.
I think I'm slowly talking myself into the Ruger. Going to a gun show in Little Falls, MN. later in the month. Looks like all the major manufacturers will be there with test guns.
Buck, I highly recommend Springfields XDm .45ACP. Match grade barrel included. The double stack mag gives you 13 rounds of .45 which I alternate ball and HP. The handgrip has three inserts to accomodate small, medium or large hands. You get a mag loader, polymer holster and two clips. My first addition was the Trijicon night sights and a green laser which mounts below the slide on the integral Pick-rail. Looking into the business end looks like a canyon. The sub-sonic 230g round will knock a man down no matter where it hits. The Colt is great but +50%'cause it has COLT on it


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Chris, I 've had my carry for almost 2 years. I carry one of two depending. Rugers LC9-LM which gives 7 rounds of 9mm in the clip. The clip base can be replaced with an extension giving a nice grip for the little finger. Another nice touch in the integrated red laser which can be steady on or pulse.
For reral concealment the gamblers choice the Derringer. This is Cobra's Two-shot 9mm version. Barrel selection is automatic. Trigger pull is very hard so I had work done on it to lessen the pull to about half of factory. Within bout 10-12ft it is pretty deadly. Good kick too being small


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Buck, you have grip and trigger safeties so Lefty or righty matters not, and the clip release is ambidexterous. All .45 auto eject to the right. With the Trijicon sights included I paid $500
I have a Springfield 1911. However, I bought the WW2 MilSpec version. Well it is almost. 3 dot white sights, not the proper short and narrow versions that are hard to pick up. And it does not have a beavertail grip safety. I don't have big hands, but that narrow milspec grip safety bites the $hit out of me every trigger pull. In hindsight, that was my big mistake. Haven't priced Springfields lately, but am shocked to hear that the basic version is now over $900. Thanks alot Obama. :angry:

Oh... you might want to price .45cal. Your stash won't last forever. .45ACP is a VERY expensive round to plink with nowadays.
I just bought a Baretta 96A1 .40 S&W (Pictures later)

Ammo is very very scarce at the moment. They had no regular rounds for target practice. I got one of the last boxes of Hollow Point .40 S&W.
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Nice. I hear you about the ammo. Went to Cabela's last night to check the availability of .45 ACP ammo. Only stuff they had in stock was some overpriced Remington ammo. Same holds true for 9mm, .40, etc...
May hold off on the purchase on the handgun until later this spring and get my M1 Garand put back into operation again.
Nice. I hear you about the ammo. Went to Cabela's last night to check the availability of .45 ACP ammo. Only stuff they had in stock was some overpriced Remington ammo. Same holds true for 9mm, .40, etc...
May hold off on the purchase on the handgun until later this spring and get my M1 Garand put back into operation again.

Yeah all they had around here was Remington .40 Hollow Point. No 9mm, no .45, nothing...

The Hollow Points I bought, came in a shipment this morning, and I got one of the last 3 boxes.
Don't expect that to change for a while. My understanding is that with all these threats coming from the gun grabbers that they have put over 1,000,000+ guns sold in January alone. February is likely to be higher. Yet... five times the number of people die from knives than guns in a given year. And hands and feet are even higher.
Chris, very nice. I guess that old Army .45 still sicks with me as my favorite
Buck Matt I paid $360 for 1000 rounds of .45 by PMC at the last gun show in March where .223 Rem was $520 for 1000 rounds. Also picked up .44mag and .44S&W boxes of 50 for $37. Now try to find .22 LR or WMR
Bet I could do around here on .40S&W is 20 round boxes of Magtech 180 grain FMC for $17. Normally I could get 50 rounds for that price
And if guns cause all this killing and crime I've got to return mine, they're defective
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You can find Sig 1911's in that price range,had 2 and were very accurate and no issues thru about only 1000rds thou. Sold them so that I can get my ED Brown Special forces. I also like my Springfield TRP Tactical. Have heard good things about the Ruger 1911 also in that price range..Adler go get yourself the "D" spring and skeleton hammer for your Beretta,makes a world of difference in trigger pull
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Also have Springfield XDS and Glock 21 Gen4, only about 200rds thru them. No issues, Personnally the 1911s just feel great in my hand.

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