New book on early history of the 43rd Bomb Group

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Feb 9, 2016
We are pleased to announce that the first volume of Ken's Men Against the Empire will be published next month. You can pre-order your copy from our website. Free personalized autographs are available upon request. This volume covers the 43rd's B-17 era, spanning from the Group's early days through October 18, 1943. Volume II (still in progress) will finish the 43rd's history from October 1943 through the end of WWII.

Without a bomber to its name, the 43rd Bomb Group (heavy) was rushed aboard the Queen Mary in February 1942 because there was room for one more unit. Months after arriving in Australia, the under-equipped 43rd absorbed the 19th Bomb Group's war-weary B-17s and crews, who had been fighting since December 7, 1941. In spite of this start, the men went on to fly some of the most important and dramatic missions in U.S. aviation history, including one that resulted in a double Medal of Honor and eight Distinguished Service Crosses for a single crew. Their innovative technique of using B-17s to skip-bomb enemy ships from masthead height changed the way Pacific A-20 and B-25 pilots attacked targets for the rest of the war.

From the author of Warpath Across the Pacific comes the story of the last B-17 Army combat group in the Pacific Theater that will delight modelers, aviation enthusiasts and casual readers alike. The narrative is supplemented by more than 500 photographs, five comprehensive appendices, three spectacular color paintings and 24 detailed color profiles by aviation artist Jack Fellows, one of which sheds light on a markings mystery that has stumped historians for decades.
We hope you enjoy it! You can read brief versions of stories that will appear in the book on our blog. We rounded them up here: Ken's Men Against the Empire Vol. I is available for pre-order!

Thank you very much sir, I will check it out. By chance would you know when the Grim Reapers and Sun Setters series will be out. I am guess next year but hoping sooner. Big interest in those two squadrons. Got to agree with Andy about the RAAF squadron. Would make an interesting book to add to your site

All the best Paul

Right now, we don't have an estimated timeline on the 3rd or 38th histories. While we're getting the word out about this new book, we're also turning our attention to the second volume of the 43rd. Pretty sure the 38th will be up next, followed by the 3rd. We have been posting stories from the various units on our blog though. Some of those posts, including a 3rd and 38th story, were repackaged as an ebook. The RAAF book idea is an interesting one, but it's not likely that we'll be going that route.
Have you guys ever thought about doing similar histories on RAAF units in New Guinea?
Don't think that is on our radar. With five other Fifth Air Force books still waiting to be published, our plate is full.

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