New FW-190 Build

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It does look very funny. I do not like it.

This guy should have just stuck with the flugwerk Fw 190s that are being built here in Germany. They look like the real thing and even get a werk nummer. I got see one flying a few months ago. Very very cool.

I'm with the adler,dont like it.
It's quite nice in some respects, but has some glaring errors in others. The cowl looks more like a Henschel product, and as for the 4-blade prop and underwing scoops..?
My, aren't we a harsh bunch! Kinda cool I think, scale issues or not. The guy's probably going to have a riot flying it around.
My, aren't we a harsh bunch! Kinda cool I think, scale issues or not. The guy's probably going to have a riot flying it around.

The reason I made the statement that I did is because these are Fw 190s! These are the ones being built by Flugwerk in Germany. Man it was great to see one of them flying back in September.

Below it are some pics of the Fw 190D they have built as well.

All pics taken from


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that what i'am talking about,fantastic looking fw190's
great photos A:pdler
Different league guys! Flugwerk is a large operation and is working from original plans, even extending the orginal Werke Nummer series. I agree with Chris that these are beautifully done but I give the guy making this replica full credit. I'm sure he's trying to work more with readily availble equipment on a much smaller budget.

By the way, is that Dora flying now?
I see your point CR, but I agree with Chris and the others. If you are going to go to the trouble of building something to look like an historic aircraft, then why not get the basic shape and look right? There were a number of 1/2 scale or slightly larger FW190's flying around in Britain a few years ago, and these at least looked like a '190A, to the point that, in pictures of them flying it was hard to tell the difference, unless the pilot's head was clearly visible in profile. At the end of the day, this guy has done a fgood job, and will probably have some fun flying his aircraft, but he might as well paint it yellow, or red, or white and call it something other than a FW.
Yeah! love the D-9....but would like to see it painted more accurately though!

It isn't representing a historical aircraft as far as I know, so it's difficult to say how it should be painted. Anyway ,they'll never be able to put a swastika on the fin.
These Flugwerk machines do look fantastic.
Its painted like a late repaired airframe from one of the Fieseler sub factories, seen in use with Stab IV./Jg3

See Japos Fw190D camouflage and markings vol 2 pgs 404-410
Its painted like a late repaired airframe from one of the Fieseler sub factories, seen in use with Stab IV./Jg3

See Japos Fw190D camouflage and markings vol 2 pgs 404-410

Thanks for the info. I stand corrected!

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