Newbie Information Request

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May 26, 2015
Hi Guys,

I've been a long-time reader of this forum but a first-time poster!

I wondered if anybody could help me with information regarding the navigator of a Junkers Ju 88 A-4? I keep reading conflicting accounts.

I've attached a drawing below of the crew positions. I have read before that the ventral machinegunner would also be the navigator but I don't see how that is possible as he is facing backwards? In other accounts there has been no reference to a navigator at all.

Was there a fifth position the ventral machinegunner would occupy when navigating or did he really do it backwards? Was he even the navigator? Based on the attached drawing I would assume the pilot and bombardier navigated themselves.



According to my knowledge the bombardier was also the navigator. He operated the front MG as well. The rear top gunner was the radioman.

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