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Airman 1st Class
I wonder what it was like in Normandy right about now?


(Photo by Robert Capa)

From this day to the ending of the world . . . we in it shall be remembered . . . we band of brothers; for he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.
No, I was thinking about the airdrops being made the night before. It's 11:30 locally which I guess means it would be about 6:30 there. There's been a night of heavy fighting and confusion, and the landings will soon start. I'll bet those airdrops were very frightening.
The beachs of D-Day indeed the longest day for many, remembered by many and a mighty step forward in gaining freedom for millions.


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Nice pictures, trackend! Indeed, today was a great day for the cause of freedom and I am ever thankful for all of the guys that hit that beach 61 years ago today. May the ones who died rest in peace and know that their death was not in vain. May the survivors be able to calm the nightmares and know that the generations after them are indebted to them.
The pictures are from Maestros recommended web site Evan I went to Normandy 4 years ago and drove a long the coast road past all the landing sites I spent some time at Arromanche getting some pictures for my old man the museum there is very good. There seemed to be memorials everywhere to particular units or corps erected by the mates of fallen comrades. Although I found the French have turned it into a tourist industry the poignancy of what the various places moment in history represent still seem to pervade the area and over power the buy a D-day balloon mentality.
guys im collecting kinda an archieve in the comments section of the d-day bit on my site,just wondering could you post up some of your respects or views on d-day below

Archieve Here
I salute them all and owe my freedom to the thousands who died on that day...and the millions that died throughout the whole war...
It was the greatest achievement in military history. To be thrown on to a beach with the sea to your back, the enemy to your front, every single one needs to be thanked and saluted.

They might not have chosen to be there but none protested, all were scared and for everyone that gave their life, three made it up that beach to bring the war to an end.

With every protest today, the people should remember that it wouldn't be possible without the sacrifices made on that day, 6th June, 1944...Thanks, lads... :salute:
Of course not. Many dropping their weapons and marching off not knowing where they are, where their unit was or where they were going. What could have been the worst military disaster in history was made one of the, if not the, greatest military achievements by the acts of these men.

They might have been wearing a uniform but these men were far and large just civilians in a military uniform and taught the basics but they still did it!
plan_D said:
It was the greatest achievement in military history. To be thrown on to a beach with the sea to your back, the enemy to your front, every single one needs to be thanked and saluted.

They might not have chosen to be there but none protested, all were scared and for everyone that gave their life, three made it up that beach to bring the war to an end.

With every protest today, the people should remember that it wouldn't be possible without the sacrifices made on that day, 6th June, 1944...Thanks, lads... :salute:

Very well put, plan_d!

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