Now for something completely different

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1st Sergeant
May 28, 2009
I recently built the Novo Bristol 138A high altitude research plane.

I thoroughly enjoyed it but had the idea while building it what if the RAF decided to build a run of high altitude Photo Recon aircraft that could fly at 45000 feet.

So I bought another kit

It will be modified with retractable under carriage and I will play around with the intercooler and exhaust and maybe even look to see if I can find a Merlin engine from a kit that I can graft on in place of the Bristol Peggy. I think I have a early Spitfire canopy that might be used.

PR Blue all over paint job and I think it will look good. A U2 for the 1930s
I used the same kit for a "what if" group build over at Hyperscale a couple of years back. Just a quick and dirty project but the 138 has lots of potential for those who care to take more time with modifications. Look forward to the results of your build.


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The cutting and shaping has begun. Bristol built a turbocharged Hercules but it wasn't reliable so it remained a prototype but what if.

The engine is a resin Hercules probably for a Beaufighter. I picked it up at a show for 50p from a dealers bits box. No idea who made it.

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