I'm not certain we are using the same nomenclature. The doctrinal size of an ABRN Squadron--there were no FAA Squadrons during WWII--was 9 aircraft. Operating strengths varied considerably--the well-known strength returns for Victorious and Ark Royal during the Bismarck actions are an excellent example of how the operating size of a squadron was altered to fit the capabilities of the aircraft carrier they were embarked on.
So...I quite agree with your assertion that the operating deployment of ABRN Squadrons--particularly fighter squadrons--increased as the war progressed; indeed, it might be fair to assert, as it seems you do, that deployment rarely even paused to note establishment strength, though I would want more information to feel secure in such a conclusion. A key question is whether or not the Admiralty changed the doctrinal strength on establishment, and thus the basis upon which it dealt with the Air Ministry.
I'm curious as to where the operating strengths you cite originate? I'm not arguing that ABRN Squadrons were always deployed strictly according to the doctrinal establishment--I should say it was quite clear that they were not, any more than the doctrinal all-TSR complement was adhered to. The realities of war, and the desire to deploy powerful squadrons on carriers in action, had to be balanced by the lack of modern aircraft allotted to the ABRN by the Air Ministry, so I'd like to know where your data originates, and how it compares to the other times and places.
One of the key factors effecting ABRN strength on any given carrier was the number of carriers engaged on operations at any given time.
That said, you are quite right to point out the difference between supposed sizes and actual sizes.
Few points to pick up on.
I agree that between 1924 and 1939 it was the Fleet Air Arm of the RAF. At that point yes it became officially the Air Branch of the RN. But the plain fact is that it continued to be known as and referred to as the "Fleet Air Arm" both by the personnel in it and by the Board of the Admiralty itself in official documents and reports. For example there are a series of documents in the archives dated Sept 1939 from the Fifth Sea Lord, just over 3 months after the RN gained full control over it, that use the term Fleet Air Arm. A number of these can be viewed in the preview available here:-
The Fleet Air Arm in the Second World War
This is the first of three volumes detailing the history of the Fleet Air Arm, the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers and naval air squadrons, during the Second World War. It deals with the formative period between 1939 and 1941 when the Fleet Air Arm tried to recover from the impact of dual control...
Document numbers 11, 13, 14 and 15 are a case in point. Document 13 actually uses both terms!
And so it continued throughout the war and into the postwar period, even when the Air Branch had become Naval Aviation. Because the use of "Fleet Air Arm" had become so common it was decided to formally adopt it again. Interesting exchange from Hansard in 1952
Naval Aviation (Hansard, 17 December 1952)
Naval Aviation (Hansard, 17 December 1952)
As for the question of numbers of aircraft in an FAA squadron, if you go back to the 1920s the FAA unit was the Flight generally of 3 or 6 aircraft. It was only on April/May 1933 that these were amalgamated into squadrons and right from that point some had 9 and some had 12 aircraft. So I'm really not sure what you mean by saying "doctrinal" strength was 9.
800 squadron - formed from 402 & 404 Flights with 9 Nimrods & 3 Ospreys
801 squadron - formed from 401 Flight with 3 Flycatchers and 6 Nimrods
802 squadron - formed from 408 & 409 Flights with 9 Nimrods and 3 Ospreys
803 squadron - formed by expanding 405 flight to 9 Ospreys
810 squadron - combined 463 and 464 Flights with 12 Darts
811 squadron - combined 465 & 466 Flights with 12 Ripons
812 squadron - combined 461 & 462 Flights with 12 Ripons
And so it remained throughout the 1930s. Further squadrons formed from 1937, sometimes with 9 aircraft and sometimes with 12.
Amongst the documents in the link I posted above you will find a report on the state of the FAA in Sept 1939 (number 15) on the outbreak of WW2 that lists the numbers of aircraft on each carrier. Coupled with other information I have to hand
Courageous - 2 Swordfish squadrons each of 12 aircraft
Glorious - 3 Swordfish squadrons each of 12 aircraft plus a Gladiator squadron with 12
Eagle - 2 Swordfish squadrons each with 9 aircraft.
Ark Royal - 2 Skua squadrons each with 9 aircraft and 4 Swordfish squadrons, 810 & 821 with 12 and 820 & 818 with 9 for a total of 42
Hermes - 814 had formed on 6 Swordfish in Dec 1938 and after spending time on Ark Royal, increased its complement to 9 on transfer to Hermes on 1 Sept 1939.
Nothing that I can recall reading suggests that there was a "doctrine" for 9 aircraft squadrons in the FAA whether under RAF or RN control. Can you tell me what your source is for that?
Edit:- I forgot the following squadrons formed in April 1933 in the rush to get this post finished last night (she who must be obeyed was threatening me with "your dinner is in the dog"!)
820 squadron - formed from 450 Flight and half of 445 Flight with 9 Fairey IIIF. By Dec 1934 the squadron had been expanded to 12 Blackburn Shark.
821 squadron - formed from 446 Flight and the other half of 445 Flight with 9 Fairey IIIF. By autumn 1935 it had been expanded to 12 Fairey Seals
822 squadron - formed from 442 & 449 Flights with 12 Fairey IIIF.
823 squadron - formed from 441 & 448 Flights with 12 Fairey IIIF.
824 squadron - formed from 460 Flight with 9 Fairey IIIF. Expanded to 12 aircraft by absorbing 440 Flight on arrival at Hong Kong 2 months later. Renumbered 825 squadron in Oct 1934 while serving in Eagle
Then -
824 squadron - new formation Oct 1934 with 9 Fairey Seals for service in Hermes, and later Eagle.
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