Number of living Red Air Force pilots from World War II

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Dec 10, 2019
20 Years Ago
The Soviet Union lost the most men and women in uniform of any Allied combat nation in World War II, but I wanted to ask how many Soviet Air Force pilots from WW2 are alive, because American airmen like to portray the US as the victor of World War II in Europe when in fact the USSR dealt the final nail in the coffin of the Nazi war machine, and Americans who read books about Soviet aviation in World War II seldom praise the exploits of Soviet pilots in WW2 because they dare not act as Stalin apologists given that communism in widely seen in the US as a bankrupt ideology that destroys material wealth.
Wow, quite um.......interesting. In particular I wonder, what makes you think that Americans who read books about Soviet aviation don't praise Soviet pilots for whatever reason? Also, I don't think you can say that any one nation " dealt the final nail in the coffin of the Nazi war machine" it was if anything, a group effort that defeated the Nazis.
Despite the treachery of their leadership, the Russian people carried on a heroic struggle nonstop to the end of the war, paid the highest price in blood and treasure, and IMHO were the single greatest factor in continuously grinding down and wearing out the Nazi war machine. All this despite the higher profile, more dramatic efforts of the western Allies.
For a long time, high school US history classes minimized the contributions in the non-US Allies, especially the USSR, in the defeat of Hitler. While some people demand a return to this sort of political correctness, historians don't.
dammit..............I hope he is at least from Florida

I think we've for the most part have been very neutral in the political area and have praised a good pilot regardless which flag they have flown under. We've also expressesd sadness when veterans have passed and aircraft crashed again without that mattering.
I'm from California, not Florida. I have not met a Soviet veteran of World War 2, and even American war veterans who spent chunks of their adulthoods loathing communism may have heaped praise on veteran WW2 Soviet pilots for defeating the Nazis when visiting Russia after the end of the Cold War.
This forum respects pilots and their efforts from all nations, regardless of the flag they served under.
And while it is true the Soviet Union ground down the German war machine, they did so with the assistance of the U.S. by way of Lend-Lease which enabled mother Russia to get on her feet and gain momentum in the darkest years of the war.

And as a child growing up during the height of the Cold War, I recall being taught about the Soviet Union and their key battles and contributions. NOT once did my teachers express or imply that the U.S. won WWII single-handedly.
Conversely, I have spoken with people my age that are from Eastern Europe/Russia who were taught that the U.S. contributed very little in the "Patriotic War" while the heroic Red Army liberated Europe.

So believe what you will, but in the end, it was a team effort to defeat the Axis.

I'm from California, not Florida.
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