Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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I have pushed you into a proper direction only But nice to hear that.Thank you.

All graphic application are really interesting.I remember my first one named DeluxPaint and used with Amiga computer.It was a big fun.
Deluxe Paint, used that too, then switched to Personal paint, as version 4 of Deluxe was to slow for my 7.14 mhz Those programs were totally different from Paintshop e.d., though.
Still trying to get the hang of fonts...aaarrgghh!
What do you mean?
I didn't have any problems with the DeluxePaint ver.4.When I bought the Amiga 500+ with extended memory the DeluxePaint III was included.Then I got the ver.4 and still working very good.The slowest applications were these for 3D rendering.Even Amiga1200 was working very slow with them.
What do you mean?

Because I'm cheap )) the free program I use - well- its a little difficult getting cool fonts. Wurger directed me to a site and I'm still going thru it. Maybe one day, I'll have nice lettering like his pics. Ohhh, to dream....

.. and now for something completely different!



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Thanks.... I'm glad u got the referance

It was time for something completely different!
Just wait....I think I have an idea that just might work. When I get home to my own PC I'm gonna play around. If it works.......
Maybe one of variations on the matter.


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