Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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I have pushed you into a proper direction only :oops: But nice to hear that.Thank you. :D :D :D

All graphic application are really interesting.I remember my first one named DeluxPaint and used with Amiga computer.It was a big fun.
Deluxe Paint, used that too, then switched to Personal paint, as version 4 of Deluxe was to slow for my 7.14 mhz :) Those programs were totally different from Paintshop e.d., though.
Still trying to get the hang of fonts...aaarrgghh!
What do you mean?
I didn't have any problems with the DeluxePaint ver.4.When I bought the Amiga 500+ with extended memory the DeluxePaint III was included.Then I got the ver.4 and still working very good.The slowest applications were these for 3D rendering.Even Amiga1200 was working very slow with them.
What do you mean?

Because I'm cheap :))) the free program I use - well- its a little difficult getting cool fonts. Wurger directed me to a site and I'm still going thru it. Maybe one day, I'll have nice lettering like his pics. Ohhh, to dream....:)

.. and now for something completely different!



  • silywalk2.gif
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Thanks... i just need to incorporate a Brit plane into it!
Maybe one of variations on the matter.


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