Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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just an avatar experiment. This will be refined later.



  • avatarml.gif
    33.3 KB · Views: 116
see if this works....
i'm not sure i want to change i like my current one a fair bit, however i did feel the need for change . (sigh) choices....
what do you guys think ?


  • untitled.bmp
    1.7 MB · Views: 220
I was thinking on the side of a nice shiny B-17 but Cosimo said British aircraft. Not many without camo or a large enough fuselage. Still digging.

But a couple of fun ones.


  • cosimo03.jpg
    43.2 KB · Views: 134
  • cosimo04.jpg
    37.5 KB · Views: 137
An interestig idea,Njaco.:D

BTW Nice avatar Heinz.:D
And do you havey any problem with displaying of Aussie1001's pic? I can't see it.:(
Thankyou Wojtek my friend:) I played with an animation function on my photo editing program worked well, I was suprised :lol:
ya it gave me a bit of trouble so I resized it for Aussie.


  • aussiesig.jpg
    40.5 KB · Views: 1,566
Nice Alex.THX.I must admit the siggy looks cool.But the pic stiil is not going to be displayed.Maybe I should wait longer for that.
HA... great stuff guys! very creative.....

When there on the fuselage, they look like "kills"..

"I bagged me a couple John Cleese's today" They all look awesome but maybe the Silly walk is just too silly to mix with warbirds..!

I do like the Sunderland though.!

I cn change it to my avatar?


  • cleese4.gif
    5.7 KB · Views: 123
Thanks for that heinz as soon as i did it i realised, however my dialup was really givin' me the shites so i couldn't be botherd gong back and deleating it, sorry if that caused any fuss.

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