Ok, lets try this...

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Yeah, I think you guys are right, I like it better as-well.
Thanks guys.

Ok, just got me new avatar:


  • PiedButcherbird.jpg
    2.5 KB · Views: 123
Hahahahaha !! Thanks mate, I knew you would like it !

Btw, if you knew what this bird actually does for a living I don't think you would be calling it gay
lesofprimus said:
Extremely vicious, but if I was to use that as an avatar, I'd have it holding a dead frog in its beak or something....

Aah, I see, abit more brutal ?

lesofprimus said:
What species of Shrike is that anyways, the coloration doesnt look familiar???

Its a Pied Butcherbird.
They're plentiful over in Australia, I have family over there so I get to hear them quite alot, and they sing quite beautifully, but they're extreemly shy. (Which is why getting a picture of one feasting is going to be hard, have already tried on the net but to no avail)
lesofprimus said:
Ill take alook and see if I can find something....

Sounds good les, thanks..

lesofprimus said:
I have a fetish for birds of prey....

Looks like we have something in common then, always been a bird admirer myself.
Well the best I could do was one holding a meatball in its beak... Didn't look too vicious though, just kinda cute if anything...

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