Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre - Stage 2

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Master Sergeant
Apr 2, 2009
Is the Stuka a full size replica?

Looking forward to more shots of the museum.
Yep - 1:1 model. It used to sit outside the museum before this was built. It, and the Hurricane were both dis-assembled and completely rebuilt for the new displays. The job turned into basically replacing everything except the steel sub-frame that they were built around.

I should have got photos of the build...
Great stuff Aaron. Looks great and looking forward to seeing how the Stuka and Hurri turned out. Will go when I get back to NZ in two weeks time.
No, there was one run last year for 70 years of the Pitts special, and they've continued it this year. Not sure who is running it though.
Definitely worth coming to see Noel Kruse doing aeros in the Ryan!

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