On The Deck

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Ah, the days when the crowd barrier was a thin bit of rope, two fee off the ground, with the display line 50 yards in front, and the Press photographers could stand on the edge of the runway - bliss !
But instant heart attack for any H&S Inspector these days !!!
They were mate!
When the RAF used to open-up around 20 or 30 stations on 'Battle of Britain at Home Day', there were loads of aircraft in the static display, virtually one of every type the RAF had, which at worst, were roped-off with the aforementioned low rope, normally very close to the aircraft, and at best, didn't have any barrier at all, and many were open for inspection.
I remember one show at Acklington, around 1964 or '65 when, during a sudden downpour, with the Royal Norwegian Air Force still doing their display (I think in F-100 'Super Sabres', although they could only be heard, as the rain and cloud were on the deck !). taking shelter in the back of a Beverley, and no 'Job's Worth' telling us all to get out !
Same show, later in the day, and a Gnat was taxiing along through the crowd, with some RAF 'Erk' politely calling out "Watch yer backs - Gnat coming through"!
And of course, many, if not all, of the more senior RAF officers (Sqn Ldr upwards) wandering around, had a chest full of medal ribbons, and had served during WW2 - and some still had the 'handlebar' moustache to prove it !!

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