On The Deck

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good one Chris. Looks like trials for air to ground 'pick up' rescue. I'm guessing the red and white trucks are being used as high visibility markers, and perhaps anchors also, for the 'load' on the ground between them.
:shock: That was almost an epic fail. Jeez and the photographer is running towards the tractor!?!? Probably why the wing is so low. TO AVOID THAT DIPSTICK!!! :shock:
Found another one today. See what you think. I hope it's not been posted previously.


  • 469616078_3492ee2cde Low flying F-15 Eagle.jpg
    469616078_3492ee2cde Low flying F-15 Eagle.jpg
    22.8 KB · Views: 239
  • IMG_0343 Low F-101.JPG
    IMG_0343 Low F-101.JPG
    208.8 KB · Views: 240
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