On The Deck

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One of a series of 'stills' from the movie 'The War Lover', starring Steve McQueen..
Captain John Crewdson, of Film Aviation Services, does a low pass in a B-17, over Bovingdon airfield, Hertfordshire, UK, 'buzzing' the tower before flying between the hangars.
An early 1960s movie, there are some good flying sequences.

I think it might be a Varsity. In some of the other 'stills', the nose of a Dakota can be seen, between two of the hangars. At the time of filming, the airfield was used by both civilian and RAF aircraft, although the USAF may have still been in the process of handing over, as they departed in 1962. Ten years later, when '633 Squadron' was filmed there, numbers of civilian light aircraft could be seen in the background of some of the flying / landing scenes.
Sadly, the tech site was demolished, and is now occupied by H.M. Prison 'The Mount', although the main runway and taxi-ways are still present.

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