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Mr. Trackend:

You are correct, not only that you are not good "at Samaritan words" but it´d appear you are not good at anything.

Let me type this: HA HA HA HA HAAAAAA!
I barely use emoticons, but your posting certainly deserves one.

Depressing take on life? You do not know me mate. If you could see me surfing at top speed in the Mexican pipeline, howling as loud as one can do, you might come along with something different. But, again you do not know me. you do not know how I deal with the garbage of every. 8)

So Mister, if one expresses his view the world is -in fact- a huge pool filled with feces, and that the vast majority of human beings are not worth the trust, that will automatically make him a "pessimistc" and "depressed" guy?

You have not been around mate. Thank you for the posting though, it made smile during my morning!

P.D. About the photo: is that you during your last suicide attempt? since it is obvious your try failed I can suggest you some more reliable methods.

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