Feb 2, 2007 #181 Matt308 Glock Perfection 18,961 95 Apr 12, 2005 Washington State But Lanc's eyes never left the ewe. For in the rain, the ewe had shrunk, finally answering George Carlin's question.
But Lanc's eyes never left the ewe. For in the rain, the ewe had shrunk, finally answering George Carlin's question.
Feb 2, 2007 #183 Matt308 Glock Perfection 18,961 95 Apr 12, 2005 Washington State {comedian - Reference HeWho'sNameMustNotBeSpoken signature}
Feb 2, 2007 #184 lesofprimus Brigadier General 18,831 47 Jul 27, 2004 Long Island Native in Mississippi ihatemeatballs.com ndicki said: (Who on Earth is George Carlin?) Click to expand... U wanna go with me pal??? I'll kick ur ass all over this message board and make ur childerns' childerns' souls shudder at the mere mention of the word Primus.... That being said, heres George.... Attachments Carlin and stuff.wmv 7.6 MB · Views: 96
ndicki said: (Who on Earth is George Carlin?) Click to expand... U wanna go with me pal??? I'll kick ur ass all over this message board and make ur childerns' childerns' souls shudder at the mere mention of the word Primus.... That being said, heres George....