Oshkosh 2021

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
Good day one and all.

Oshkosh 2021 is a little more than one month away. I had resigned myself to not being able to attend again this year because of Covid 19 and the border between Canada and the USA being closed to non essential travel.


Plenty of chit chat during the past couple of weeks of the border being reopened around the 01 of July. The canadian Government will be making an announcement by next Monday at the latest regarding next moves surrounding the border. There will be conditions based on what I am hearing and the biggest is that in order to cross you will have to prove you have receieved full vaccination status. My second Pfizer shot is scheduled for next Thursday. The other requirement is a negative Covid test within 72 hours of wanting to cross.

I have been in touch with my American Oshkosh travelling partner and everything is booked for our stay. Once/if the border is opened I will jump online and purchase my week long pass for Oshkosh.

My current photo thread of North American Aviation Company aircraft will run into August but I am getting close to being done and I was wondering what I was going to do next. If all the stars align themselves properly I will be able to do an Air Show 2021 thread.

Fingers are crossed, camera is ready, American money is in hand and the desire is most keen.

Wish me luck gentlemen.


Hope you can make it Jeff.
I'm hoping that at least some UK shows will go ahead later this year, especially after "Legends" has been cancelled again.
So far so good Jeff, We are fully vaccinated and my son is looking to volunteer on Sunday to help set up for it. As of right now we are planning on attending. Just don't know how many days yet.

All the best
Does not look like the border will open in time for me to drive to Oshkosh.

Plan B was executed this morning when I bought my airline ticket to Chicago for 24 July.
Buffalo Jason and Boston Pete will pick me up at O'Hare on the way by to Kosh.
Will be on the field for arrivals day on 25July.
Always good to have a plan B.
Thanks to Mother Superior for being understanding.
Does not look like the border will open in time for me to drive to Oshkosh.

Plan B was executed this morning when I bought my airline ticket to Chicago for 24 July.
Buffalo Jason and Boston Pete will pick me up at O'Hare on the way by to Kosh.
Will be on the field for arrivals day on 25July.
Always good to have a plan B.
Thanks to Mother Superior for being understanding.

Cool beans and glad to hear.
Going to get my Covid test tomorrow morning. Last hurdle to being able to fly to Chicago this Saturday morning. Will be picked up at O'Hare by Buffalo Jason. Our airshow friend Boston Peter will be with Jason. Peter is losing his Oshkosh virginity this year. We will meet up with Pontiac Brian once we get to Oshkosh, another Oshkosh virgin.
We have all become friends simply from attending airshows over the years.
I am excited to see some Warbirds and to hang out with my friends for the first time in early 2 years.
Two separate closures of the main runway yesterday. A gear collapse of some general aviation thing and then a little later a flat tire on Cessna. While the runway was closed multiple Warbirds were landed on the runway at the opposite side of the airport. Multiple Mustangs, SBD, Wildcat, Corsairs, C-47s, multiple Mitchells, Spitfire, Hurricane, Bearcat, Yaks, Nancgangs, T-6 family.
Very disappointing to say the least.
It was the flat tire on the Cessna that was the worst. He had made it almost to the turnoff when his portside tire blew and he was on the wheel pant. 25 more feet and they would not have had to close the runway.
A few I took these today of day 1 at Airventure.
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