"Bogies Ten O'Clock," end of story as far as RT...
In the heat of battle I don't think you could care less if it's a MiG-21, Su 27 or a wombat.
There is a saying and it goes, "Bandits at your 6 are better than no bandits at all"... As for the points that you and GregP are making it's as my Weapons Officer always said, "It depends".
When communicating via the radio it's better to say the Flanker vice S U TwentySeven. Count the syllables. The former is 2, and the latter is 6. In a 4 v 4+ or greater, that is A LOT of radio time taken up. When maneuvering in the visual arena and going through the comm drill to keep SA high, not run into each other, and kill the bad guy extra syllables could block someone telling you to dispense counter measures or maneuver to survive.
Fighter displays are very crowed, information intensive screens. Su-27 takes less space than Flanker. Less letters / digits are better than more. This is also just the PG conversation. There are many layers to everything in aviation, and particualarly fighter aviation.
I've fought the German Mig-29s many years ago (best TDY's ever at Laage, GE and Key West, FL) and they called them Miggys. At the time they were probably the best Fulchrum drivers in the world. Their squadron decended from the Me-163 Komet, and they had breakfast together every morning in the squadron bar. The ceiling in the bar was hand carved wood of all the constellations, that supposedly was at a WW2 Luftwaffe base. When the wall went up it was on the wrong side, and when the wall came down the West Germans had it back with in days (seriously long memory). World class flying, drinking, story telling with world class folks!