P-51Ds over Normandy June 1944 (3 Viewers)

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von hahn

Airman 1st Class
Aug 2, 2008
Hi everyone. I'm trying to find which USAAF squadrons flew P-51Ds during June 1944, and if at all possible, track down any operational records that indicate serial numbers that flew on specific missions.

Any info is greatly appreciated
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Best chance is to probably put in a query at Little Friends – US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command | US 8th Army Air Force Fighter Command

P-51D in 1944, initial production serials 44-13253 to 44-15752
February, 2 accepted, 1 delivered
March, 25 accepted, 3 delivered
April, 182 accepted, 81 delivered for USAAF, 1 for Australia
May, 340 accepted, 412 delivered

There is the time between acceptance, delivery then arrival at the US port, which could be long if via a modification centre, then it took around a month from arrival at a US port to arrival in Britain, then the time from arrival in Britain to arrival at a combat unit. It makes the operational P-51D a rare aircraft in Britain during June 1944, total inventory of P-51 in the ETO as of end month was 819 May, 803 June, 1,143 July, 1,177 August 1944.

Checking the Joe Baugher web site many early production P-51D were sent to the 15th Air Force, which as of 3 June 1944 had 125 P-51B and 9 P-51C in the groups, then on 24 June it was 166 P-51B, 66 P-51C and 53 P-51D, all groups having a mix of B, C and D, week later it was 125, 51, 86, on 27 July 113, 124 and 115. It looks like no K models were ever sent to the 15th Air Force.

8th Air Force P-51 groups in June 1944: 4th, 339th, 352nd, 355th, 357th, 359th, 361st, 9th Air Force 354th, 363rd

The 8th Air Force loss lists I have are incomplete, but for June 1944,
18th 44-13307, 4th FG, 2Lt Harvie J. Arnold KIA
20th 44-13303, 4th FG, Maj James A. Goodson PoW
21st 44-13387, 359th FG, Lt Col Albert R. Tyrrell MIA

8th Air Force P-51D losses in July total 16 from the 4th, 55th (converted to P-51 mid July), 339th, 352nd, 355th and 361st groups, August losses are 78. Leaders tended to fly Malcolm Hood equipped P-51B and C and there was similar usage of the early P-51D, expect groups to have a few each. It took the 15th Air Force until December 1944 to have a majority of D models and as late as end April 1945 still had 108 B and C to 251 D models in the groups. As of 26 December 1943 the 8th Air Force Fighter Groups still had 81 P-47C on strength along with 680 P-47D, older models lingered for quite a time even in the USAAF.

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