P-61, as close to real as I could get...

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Night Fighter Nut

Master Sergeant
Nov 3, 2009
Plano Texas
Hi guys and gals,

Just thought I would show my humble attempts at building a P-61B Black Widow. I built this in an attempt to show at least one model that had everything on it that would be found on the actual plane. Needless to say I researched this plane for months just trying to find out what one actually looked like and noted differences between other people's builds and the photos I was seeing. Here are some of the things I found.

1. There are what looks like red wings on the two side "H" shaped antennas.
2. There is another set of dipol antennas on the sides that are forward and up from the 'H" shaped antennas.
3. There are two support brackets that attach to the front wheel fender.
4. There is a red handle attached to the right side window by the second position in front.
5. There is a small air-intake scoop located on the right side just above and forward of the wing root.
6. Those window doors by the pilot, gunner, and radar operator have bars that hold those doors open and what lookes like a type of lanyard or cord to prevent them from opening too far.
7. There are also three T-handled latches attached to the pilots window door.
8. Finally I noticed a football shaped antenna that seems to have no set location.

I've tried to incorporate all these details in my model. When I built this model, I did it without the use of an airbrush. I don't own one. This is also my first attempt to build a model with this much detail. I'll post other pictures later when I find a better camera. Please let me know what you think. Thanks...


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All looks nice but these pics are of too big size.I suggest resizing before you uploading something.
Looks very good, but the pics are now a little small to see all the detail clearly. What scale BTW? At first I thought the old Monogram 1/48th scale, but in a couple of the 'long' shots it looks like it could be 1/72nd scale. Nice job though.
Sorry, I'm new to this. Will try something smaller....

IT's OK. The best size for a pic width is of 800-830 pixels. Also you can use these bigger but you have to clip them a little to the mentioned size. Like I did below for instance.


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Thanks Wurger, it will take some doing before I get the hang of it. I'm in the process of finding a better camera to get closer details. The plane is from a Revell kit at 1/48 scale and my skills are crude to say the least. The only thing I really have going for me is I'm an artist. In time I will be working on other night fighters. At the moment I have only five.
This one, the Mosquito, Pe3 Bis, He 219 Uhl, and a J1N1 Gekko. I'm still trying to find a Potez 631.
You are welcome Mate.

I think the model is great work.You can be proud of it.Really. I can't wait to see other effects of your job.

BTW What kind of an artist are you?

If you're going to be a night fighter specialist, I'd love to see you have a go at a 1/48 Spitfire Mk Vb in 41 Squadron night fighter scheme:

The decals are available from Iliad (I'm going to do it in 1/72 sooner or later)

"Crude"... hardly, mate!!
You are welcome Mate.

I think the model is great work.You can be proud of it.Really. I can't wait to see other effects of your job.

BTW What kind of an artist are you?

Thank you very much. As an artist I paint protraits, land and sea scapes, and occationally wildlife. The point of my model is two fold. One is to improve my humble modeling skills, the other is to try my hand at painting WW2 aircraft... especially night fighters since there are so few of these types of paintings around. I needed a plane that was as accurate as possible. For P-61's there are only four in existance and I don't live near any of them. I'll post a couple of examples of my work if you like to give you a better idea what I can do.
If you're going to be a night fighter specialist, I'd love to see you have a go at a 1/48 Spitfire Mk Vb in 41 Squadron night fighter scheme:

I would love to have a go at it at some time... finances permitting

At the moment I'm trying to find all the hard to find models. The Pe3 Bis model was attained through a stroke of luck since its only made in the Czech Republic. There is still the Do 217 and Ju 88 night fighters to find.
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Here is an example of what I paint. This is on a large circular saw blade. Kind of a folk art thing. This painting is currently hanging in Russia at my inlaw's home.

My boss at work is allowing me to use his camera. I'll have closer shots of the plane tomorrow sometime.


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I like the model very much but like like your artwork even more while realistic it is sututle and calming too the eye.Cheers Kevin

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