Get ready to watch what will be the greatest ever movie to use IL2 as its base
New links to Mediafire conventional download added as-well as torrent links added at bottom of this post + Now includes Streaming Video at Blip TV Channel (lower quality though):
Well here it is, Part 1 of "Checkertails".
The two links below are for torrents. The first one is for a Dual-Layer .iso file.
The second one is unfortunately mis-labeled as Single Layer but links (correctly) to a self-extracting .rar file.
Once downloaded you will see a file called "Checkertails.exe" Double-click it and then create a folder (or just choose a location) to extract it to.
Once extracted you will have a file called "Checkertails - Part 1 - A film by Mysticpuma.avi"
The torrent files can be found here. If you don't have a torrent client, download and install the utorrent download software which can be found here:
Then click on the torrent link you wish to download below, and choose "Open With" not "Save-As" when asked. This will start the download of the file.
The more people download it, the more 'seeds' are created and the faster it becomes for everyone to download it. For the next 3-days after this post, it will be
hosted by a 100 m/bit server, so as the torrent seeds increase, the Server should slowly become unnecessary.
The Self-Extracting .rar file contains a CD Label to print and use with the DVD Disk,and also contains a DVD Box cover for those of you who wish to make
it look like a 'proper' DVD case.
The link to a Dual-Layer .iso is exactly that. Once downloaded, put it into your DVD Burner (make sure it can burn Dual-Layer disks) and then using your DVD burning software choose "Burn Image to disk" or similar option.
This will then create a DVD (Region Free so watch-able on PAL or NTSC formats) that can be viewed in a DVD or Blu-Ray player. It will give you a front-end menu with scene selection too!
The movie is Part 1 of a two-part feature on the 325th Fighter Group "The Checkertail Clan. It has a running-time of approx.
1-hour and 40-minutes.
The Checkertails.exe creates a 2.4GB video file which is encoded with the XVID Codec. If after 30-seconds you can hear audio but not see any video, you will need to download and install the
XVID Codec, which can be found here:
Download the XviD Codec - XviD Movies
I would recommend downloading VLC Player to watch this as it does not require any other codecs (XVID above for example), it pretty-much has
them all and it can be downloaded here:
VideoLAN - VLC media player - Open Source Multimedia Framework and Player
What you will be watching has taken Three-years to research, create and edit and is only Part 1 of the history of the "Checkertail Clan", who fought in the MTO.
I cannot promise perfection. I am not an Historian of the Luftwaffe and I am sure there will be details that do not
excite or deliver accuracy of the Axis forces engaged daily by the 325th Fighter Group, for this, in advance, I apologise.
The film has been created in my very spare time as I work full-time and have a family (who have supported me along the way)
so it has taken much longer than I ever thought it would.
What it does do though, is detail the history of the 325th during it's P-40 and P-47 era as accurately as possible, but
also for the first-time on video, in the voices of those who served with the "Checkertail Clan".
This has been edited and created by me-alone and so I am sure some things will have 'slipped through the net', but I am one
man and I do not make videos for a living nor do I edit sound either. This is my hobby and I use it to tell the memories of
those who fought in WW2 for our freedom.
Above, I say this is a "by me alone". I mean by that that I am the Pen that creates what you see. It has taken many people's
help to create the ink in that Pen which many times over has been re-filled by all those who have joined me in the journey of
the creation of this film.
I'd like to thank so-many people, but I have credited them at the end of the film where possible.
Singled out has to be the following though.
Ralph Gimenez (Monguse) who's fault this is! After finishing "Not my time to die!" and saying I'd never make another movie, one-day,
Ralph casually said over Skype "Hey, have you ever heard of the Checkertail Clan?" and that my friends is where all my troubles began!
Ian MacDonald (325th_Swoop)who flew me across parts of America to interview some of the pilots seen in the feature and also put me up
when I travelled to the US to record some of the Veterans.
Gary Bullock, who has worked in the film industry for years, and took one-look at the script (probably cried) and then set about making it
the product it is today and which he kindly Narrated for me.
Finally, thanks to the living pilots (and one who passed while this was being made) who have tolerated my questions and given their time
to tell me their Checker-tales.
Of-note has to be Art Fiedler, a P-51 Ace with the 317th FS, who's reply to my initial approach pointed me along the Roller-Coaster
ride this has been and who has been a fantastic source of information and friendship since this project began. His dedication put me in-touch
with other survivors of the clan and ultimately ended with me attending the 65th Reunion of the "Checkertail Clan" in September 2010, held
at the WW2 Memorial in Washington, DC.
Okay, enough blurb!
The torrent links are here:
(This link is to the full resolution Dual-Layer .iso file to burn to a Dual-Layer disk)
(This link is mis-named (sorry) and is for the Checkertail.exe which contains a self-extracting .rar file, which contains an .avi file (needs the xvid codec to view), a CD Label, DVD Label and readme file)
Hopefully you will enjoy and learn something of the Checkertail Clan in this feature and look-forward to the release of Part 2 (early-to-late 2012).
Sorry it'll take so-long, again, I do this in my spare time and as a hobby, but'll be worth the wait?
New link for those who don't like/use torrents:
New Link added. This is the .avi file, CD Label and DVD Cover along with the readme file now hosted at Mediafire for those who don't like or have knowledge of torrents. The files, once downloaded can be extracted by double-clicking the .exe file which will then ask you where you want to extract the files to :
Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire
Now watch online at Blip TV (Lower quality than the downloads above):
Checkertails - Part 1 - The Legend of the 325th Fighter Group
Hope that helps those of you who don't like torrents, but you must download all the files for the .exe to work.
Cheers, MP
Cheers, Neil "Mysticpuma" Pugh