pDs sexy WW2 shots

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Good to see an Aussie 'stang made it in there! Love the pics of the Wildcats!!

BTW that spit on page 2, ZP-Y, is from 457 sqn RAAF not no. 74 (Trinidad) sqn. Sorry if I'm being picky
Haha, it's no problem. I don't want them to be wrong! Thanks for the heads up. My code checking source only has ZP for 74 Sqn...but I found it on my RAF squadron source.
Curtiss Mohawk...

::Note no detailed file names due to lack of knowledge on the pictures. Aircraft in the CBI often did not carry markings or 'wrong' markings due to the rush to get aircraft in the sky. Also, there were nine variants of the Hawk-75 (known as Mohawk in British service) from H-75A-1 to A-9. These were often changes in radio equipment or tweaks to the engine. So, hardly noticeable from the outside!::


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Republic Aviation Thunderbolt


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Vultee Vengeance...


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Boeing Fortress...

And it's no problem. 8)


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Consolidated Liberator...


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Hey D, I don't s'pose you've got any post-war Canuck Spitfire/Seafire pics with the leaf roundels, eh? Or maybe a Firefly or Sea Fury or anything?

I've got a bunch of Lancaster ones already, but I can't seem to find much in the way of the smaller prop-driven planes.
Nope, sorry. The only aircraft picture I have in RCAF markings is this Mustang IV.


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Consolidated Catalina and Canso...


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Hawker Typhoon...


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No problem! 8)

Douglas Dakota...

I don't quite get the RAF marking system of the C-47. The first variant the RAF received was the C-47A, which the RAF called the Dakota Mk.III. We then got the C-47B which was the Mk.IV. We also got the C-53 which was the Dakota Mk.II but there was no Dakota Mk.I that I know of. Could someone provide something to show that there was a Dakota I. I do imagine it'd have been the C-47 but the RAF didn't get any, to my knowledge.


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