pDs sexy WW2 shots

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Fairey Fulmar;


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I can't find many pictures of Sea Gladiators, but here they are;

:Note - "Charity" was N5519, "Faith" was N5520 and "Hope" was N5537. A lot of people seem to make mistakes in that area. They were all Sea Gladiator Mk.Is.


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I wonder if anyone's caught on that I might be sorting out my Fleet Air Arm folder.
Grumman Hellcat (Gannet)


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I did have my Sea Hurricanes under the Hurricane RAF folder but...since I put up Sea Gladiators - why not Sea Hurricanes!?! They have their own special folder in FAA now!


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I was quite puzzled how I came about a good few number of Blackburn Roc pictures with such ease. It was a heap of dog, why, oh why are their good pictures of it? It should be forgotten! Maybe it's a lesson.

But anywho, Blackburn Roc;


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He's just got it facin' the camera. I don't think the pilot would accept a plane with no rudder.
Nice pics. Im puzzled why you called one of them "Factory Fresh" though. Surely thats a given, seen as there are only 2 types of Roc: Factory Fresh and shot down
That one has been pictured just outside the factory, right after being built. And no, actually, only one Roc saw combat. It was shot down by FlaK. The rest were quickly withdrawn from front-line service before seeing combat.
It was on the 21st of June, 1940. A Roc Mk.I from FAA 801 Sqdn. attacked a gunnery battery at Cap Blanc Nez, near Calais. The aircraft was shot down by "heavy FlaK fire" and both crew, Sub Lt. Day and NA 1 F Berry, were killed.

The only Roc to see action and the only Roc to be lost to enemy action. That's a 1:1 loss:sortie ratio!

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