Phantom test

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jun 15, 2005
Deep in suburban Surrey
I have been delaying this for far too long, but I now have a first draft F-4E done - I expect there are many things to fix, but hopefully I will get through that quickly, and get many more done...

Sweet work! Can't wait for the Sundowners the Screaming Eagles which served on USS Coral Sea CV(A)-43, they don't get more colourful than that! 8) And the No. 74 and No. 111 Squadrons!


  • F-4 Phantom Screaming Eagles.jpg
    F-4 Phantom Screaming Eagles.jpg
    68.2 KB · Views: 623
  • F-4 Phantom Sundowners.jpg
    F-4 Phantom Sundowners.jpg
    270 KB · Views: 1,008
Ooh, I just spotted some lines/marks on the intake deflector plate - I had forgotten about those!

I'm still doing some tweaks at the moment... and loading up with AIM-7s... :!:

Added the tailplane mount detail
Changed the eject markings
Added missiles
Changed drop tank colour
Added warning label on tail
Fixed RWR on fin
Added detail lines to intake deflector plate
Changed colour of roundels
Changed fuselage colour (rear edge near exhausts)
Added vents near exhausts
Added wing strakes

I think I'm ready to proceed now...


Here is the full set (with the correct missiles this time) going to expand on these but getting the B, C, D, E, and J base models is good start I think - Time to look at RAF and RN ones next....

F-4B of VF-21 US Navy circa 1965


F-4B of VF-111 US Navy circa 1966


F-4C of the 44th TFS USAF circa 1973


F-4D of the 32nd TFW Iranian Air Force circa 1976


F-4E of 339 Mira Hellenic Air Force circa 1983


F-4J of VF-31 US Navy circa 1977

Of course!

I have to sleep now, but I'll check in tomorrow and you can pick something in the meantime... :)

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