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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 19, 2006
I'm cleaning out a lot of crap and here is some stuff that only you geeks would like... this is the USS Missouri in the 1980's but I also walked the decks of the NJ..

Photos of My uncle on the USS Boxer

Me on top of "The Wall" with a fearsome East German!


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I love the pic of you with the East German. I was there as well. 2 Years before the wall fell and then when the wall fell again.

We're both lucky people...

Growing up in the 70's - 80's, I never had the feeling WW3 was imminent, but there was the omnipresent specter of the Warsaw pact looming. An apocalyptic clash of superpowers was on everyone's mind. The significance of The Wall coming down is lost on many people today.

I was euphoric and very proud to be there. You can see it in my face. Being a member or the Armed Services, I felt that i helped to play a small role in tearing down the wall. I have lots of pieces of it...

The fun part was driving through East Germany to get to West Berlin in a Buick with Texas Plates. The Russian and East German guards maintained composer but i bet they got a kick out of the Texas license plate!


I agree. The first time I went to East Germany/Berlin was a few years before the wall fell. We took the US military duty train from Frankfurt Germany to Berlin. I remember my father waking me up early in the morning at the Border Crossing into East Germany and the train being searched by East German and Soviet soldiers and border guards. It felt wierd being so close to the "enemy".

From West Berlin we crossed over into East Berlin through Check Point Charlie and back after a day long tour of East Berlin. I still have that passport that has the Check Point Charlie stamps in it.

The next day me and my mother went back into East Germany and crossed near the Brandenburg Gate so that I could get the DDR stamp in my passport. That almost did not go over too well. As an American they had trouble letting me through and then back in.

The 2nd time I went was when the Wall fell, because we had relatives on the East side. Somewhere I have pics of me hitting the wall with a hammer. I also have the pieces of the wall at home.

It was a very amazing time!

Driving was an experience. They time stamped us and gave us a packet of cards that we were supposed press against the window if we broke down.

Strangest part was the free public transportation. We were considered a "Force of Occupation." and as such we rode free on the bus.

I saw the Berlin Wall in 1987 and left my own graffiti; "United in spirit, divided by politics" was what I wrote with a fat sharpie marker. I was at my dad's house when the wall came down. I was in the back room and I heard my dad call me "Get in here" he said. I walked into the living room to see sledge hammers breaking down the wall. My father and I both served in the USAF during the Cold War and neither of us thought that the wall would come down in our lifetime.
Cool pics Comiso.

My dad was in the Marines during the Cuban Missle crisis.
Another cold war warrior who never thought he would live to see the Berlin wall come down.
I remember the disbelief as we both watched it happening on TV.

The 2nd time I went was when the Wall fell, because we had relatives on the East side. Somewhere I have pics of me hitting the wall with a hammer. I also have the pieces of the wall at home.

It was a very amazing time!

I have some pieces of the East German wall from outside of Berlin. My dad also glued some small chunks to plaques and passed them out to the local boy scouts here in the states, as freedom plaques. So they will never forget the Iron Curtain.

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