Pics maybe a Fake

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1st Lieutenant
Nov 20, 2007
The talk about the missles of Iran that have circulated may be fake:lol: would not surprise me at all

Yep, the man who proved Dan Rather's exclusive letter showing how George W. Bush allegedly evaded his military service was phony; the man who documented many of the photographs by Arab photographers in Lebanon during the Lebanese-Israel conflict of Summer, 2006 were manipulated noticed at least one of the photographs released yesterday by Iran and published by an unquestioning Western media is a possible Photoshop fake:


American Thinker Blog: Iran Photoshopped its missile tests: AFP
Yeah I have seen this. They are not even particularly well shopped. I wonder what the motivation was to digitally alter the pics though!
I would think Jimmy nothing more than to stay in the spotlight maybe even too help keep uncertainity going and thus stoke the price of crude??You know the survelliance guys probably had this figured out in an hour porbably.

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