Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (1 Viewer)

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Disband of IJA and IJN on December 1, 1945.

IJA(as Ministry of Army) was reorganized to the Ministry of Demobilization No.1.
IJN(as Ministry of Navy) was to the No.2.

A study team for the future rearmament was placed in the No.2.
This was to contribute to the establishment of JMSDF and Japan Coast Guard later.

JGSDF and JASDF were to be given full influence of the U.S. style.
JASDF looks like an American organization to me as they want to speak English anytime and anywhere.
I once said "Please speak Japanese when you speak to Japanese."

To No.1 and No.2
Thanks for sharing an interesting site, Geo.
Yes, prejudice comes from ignorance.

Beside politics, I think Mr Trump is learning new reality and getting wiser day by day through his own experiences here in Asia.
An awesome old man.
No deals are necessary there as they forget what they promised soon.

A bottomless swamp.
MacArthur did not think NK's strong tie with China seriously before he advanced into NK to commit the situation. He learned it through his own experience but it was too late. Same pattern comes again to waste time but a good chance to learn the historical lesson again.
Soviet war crime.

Very interesting and informative posts Always been curious about Japanese history + culture, and the P.T.O's but never researched it all that much. A lot of the mainstream history we know has been rehashed over and over, so your subject matters are very refreshing Thanks for sharing....

Thanks for your kind comment, Smokey Stover.
Japanese press was banned to tell facts which were inconvenient for the allies. As times went by, such facts were not necessarily main issues for the people except historians. I don't think I am a historian but am interested in knowing facts.

The Press Code for Japan during 1945-1952.
This was issued in the form of "SCAPIN-xxx(serial number)"by the SCAP (Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) to ban the news which were inconvenient for the Allies.

The War Guilt Information Program was also imposed on the Japanese people to brainwash them but, in my impression, it was so idealistic in the Christian value that Japanese seemed not to be so serious about it as Germans.
Relating to the ww2 indirectly....

Ko Young-hee (高英姫 1952-2004)

Born in Osaka with Japanese name Ayumi
Lived in North Korea since 1962.
Mother of Kim Jong-un and his sister Kim Yo-jong as we recently watch them on TV.

Kim Jong-un does not want this to be known in NK because her father Ko Gyon-tek (高京澤 1913-1999) was manufacturing military equipments for the Japanese military during the ww2. He wants to deny the relationship with Japan but fact is fact.

Ko Young-hee

In Osaka circa 1973. A beautiful woman.
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