Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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Matamichi Daidozan (大同山又道), a pro-wrestler, is not Ko Young-hee (高英姫)'s father.
He was born in 1920 in Osaka with Korean name Ko Tae-moon (高泰文)
His daughter Ko Chun-haeng (高春行) was born in 1950.
They came back to NK in 1961, almost same period of true Ko Young-hee (高英姫) as I introduced in my last but one post (#1338).

People in Osaka misunderstood her as Kim Jong-un's mother because her appearace & career as a dancer resembled. This is still a myth in Japan. A Korean Japanese journalist Ko Young-ki (高英起) pointed out this error with evidence in 2011.

韓流ドラマ超え 金正恩第1書記の生母、高英姫氏の隠された波乱人生

Ko Young-hee with his father Ko Gyon-tek (1st and 2nd from left) introduced in a NK pictorial magazine (朝鮮画報 = Pictorial Korea) in 1973
Repatriation of Koreans from Japan (1959-1984)

After the ww2 was over, Koreans were not Japanese anymore.
As Koreans in Japan behaved like victors to cause trouble with the local people, Japanese government wanted to send them back to their homeland but SK rejected as there was no room for them.

To the contrary, NK was anxious for them as cheap laborers.
Japan and NK tied up to launch a campaign with fascinating words like "NK is Paradise on the ground." and "Costs for life are all free."

86,501 Koreans and 6,839 Japanese as families crossed the channel to the "Paradise".

Asahi Shinbun enchants. "Advancing NK", "Hard workers there", "More apartment on the old airfield"

Consulting with Japanese authority

Leaving for Paradise
Japanese POWs in the Communist China.

They were given a choice between staying as a dishonorable POW or fighting as an honorable PLA (People's Liberation Army) soldier. No hesitation for them as the former meant the end of life.

Masumi Kobayashi as a PLA veteran. The best choice for him.

他们怎样从"日本鬼子"转变成英勇的"日本八路"(组图) | www.wenxuecity.com
"日本八路"老照片:鬼子变身八路军的故事(组图) – 铁血网
北京の軍事パレードに招かれた日本人「元中国軍兵士」小林さんの戦後 - withnews(ウィズニュース)
小林陽吉さん「日中国民は末永い友好関係を」 -- pekinshuho
Thanks for sharing an interesting information, Geo.
Yes, it is Chinese philosophy that a winner forgives a loser. Chiang Kai-shek did it too and Japanese people were much impressed.
That is one of the reasons why the relationship between Taiwan and Japan is still good.

The number of Japanese POWs who wounded to be captured by PLA during 1937-1945 is estimated about 300.
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If I may compare -

The International Military Tribunal for the Far East.
I learned this at school but teachers taught very simply like "This was a revenge by the winner in their style."
Having checked recent history text books, I find few differences. They only tell what happened during 1946-1948.


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