Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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This is becoming a "Picture of the Minute" thread as the other one turned out. Time for me to move on. It's a great Idea for a thread Shinpachi but it deviated from your main intention - information from the Asian perspective of the conflict

Thanks Geo.
My intention was anybody would not be blamed to post multiple pics at a time as I was blamed in the other thread.
I am glad to see more members posting here.
The picture of the Cherry Blossoms reminds me of what I read in Blossoms in the Wind.

A newly trained pilot on transferring to a Ohka squadron exclaimed when he saw one for the first time. "it looks like a bomb with wings on it! "

One of the ground crew working on it replied " Well sir, that's because that's exactly what it is "

Thanks for the compliments, YGBSM.
I'm much honored.

Thanks ed.
My picture sources at the moment are Mechanic of World Aircraft and Famous Airplanes of the World.
You might be talking about a Japanese admiral, Raizo Tanaka (1892-1969), for his victory of the Battle of Tassafaronga but his reputation was not necessarily good in my country as he did not complete his main mission - sending food to the soldiers on the island.

One of the best admirals of IJN would be Masatomi Kimura (1891-1960) who saved 5,200 garrison from Kiska.
Tamon Yamaguchi (1892-1942) is also famous for the PH.
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302-ku at Atsugi airfield in 1945.

Master of repair 2nd Lt. Motobayashi.

Sgt. Ryuji Yagi in the Zero cockpit.

P1Y1 under maintenance.

Sgt. Yamamoto and his J1N1.

P1Y1 and J1N1s.

Lt. Yoshimichi Baba and his D4Y2-S.

Source: Koku Fan Illustrated 97-10 No.96 "302-ku"

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