Picture of the day.

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A P-47 flown by Lt. Richard Sulzbach of the 364th Fighter Squadron, 350th Fighter Group, 12th Air Force on April 1,1945. Lt. Sulzbach had a little run-in with some trees while on a strafing run over Italy. He was able to fly the plane 120 miles back to base and land safely. It's a real testament to how tough the P-47 was.


I've had this original print in my collection for about 20 years, one of my favorite photos, has the date 15/4/44 and 'SECRET" on the back...... here's some of the detail.......

455 RAAF Beaufighters attacking a minesweeper, part of a german convoy.........



In the AWM there's a a german ship's mast lamp taken out if the wing root of one of 455s Beaufighters!


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B26 40-1426 of 22nd Bomb Group USAAF, shot down 2 May 1942. Kiriwina. The co-pilot killed in the crash Sqn Ldr CR Bob Gurney was CO of 33 Sqn RAAF, Gurney Airport at Alotau is named after him.

Bombs from Bristol Blenheim Mark IVs of No. 270 Wing RAF explode among Junkers Ju 52s parked on the landing ground at El Magrun, Libya, in the afternoon of 22 December 1941. Blenheims, from Nos, 14 and 84 Squadrons RAF and the Lorraine Squadron of the Free French Air Force, made a series of attacks on El Magrun on 21-22 December, which was being used extensively by the Luftwaffe to provide air support for their retiring ground forces during operation CRUSADER.
Great stuff chaps. A nice, tight, bombing pattern in that last pic.

Lt. Karl Hallberg, 368th FG, landed this P-47 with a bomb still 'hung up', at Asche, Belgium, on 31st December, 1944. The bomb fell off and exploded, with the results shown. Hallberg escaped with only light injuries !!


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Typhoons undergoing maintenance and repair at Melsbroek (B-58 ), near Brussels, 10 September 1944. An aircraft from No 247 Squadron (foreground) and a No 181 Squadron machine are parked in front of an elaborately camouflaged hangar at the former Luftwaffe bomber base. The Germans had gone to great lengths to disguise the airfield, fabricating fake houses, shops and even a chateau, all of which had failed to protect it from air attack.

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Great stuff chaps. A nice, tight, bombing pattern in that last pic.

Lt. Karl Hallberg, 368th FG, landed this P-47 with a bomb still 'hung up', at Asche, Belgium, on 31st December, 1944. The bomb fell off and exploded, with the results shown. Hallberg escaped with only light injuries !!

Code, type old boy?

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