Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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All dressed up for a mission. The camo smock is interesting it looks like it could be a liberated German smock but there were a few variations of hand made camo issued to snipers so it could as well be British unofficail issue inspired by a German design.

44 sniper.jpg
If they were like the Russian trains I went on about 10 years ago they would be 2 hours late and would stop two stations before the one you wanted or one stop after.
Interesting shot, apart from the hail damage. I presume that 'fairing' beneath the wing is a mount for the drop tank, the outline of which can be seen on the wing - I'd always wondered how the tank was actually mounted, and what the wing looked like when it was removed/dropped.
Thanks Andy - I can incorporate it on the 1/48th scale FB.VI of Noel Shrimpton and Peter Lake, after return from the Shell House raid.

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