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451 (RAAF) Squadron Spitfire MkIXs at El Daba 1943......

I have this April 1943 RAF booklet "Bag the Hun", it was made to help british pilots combat the FW190, on the back cover penned in ink is "OC 451 (RAAF) Sqdn ME"....... one of the more special items in my collection.

El Daba is a village and rail station about 180 km West of Alexandria by road. RAF El Daba (othewise Desert Landing Ground 105) is a former Royal Air Force military airfield located approximately 4.6 kilometres south-southeast of the village. El Daba was a pre–World War II airfield, one of a number of DLGs created in the Western Desert of Egypt after the Munich Crisis of the late 1930s. During World War II, it was used as a military airfield by the British Royal Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces during the North African Campaign against Axis forces, and by the Luftwaffe.


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The Hawker Typhoon's devastating rocket armament was effective against tanks, gun emplacements, buildings and railways. Coastal shipping was another target, including this unfortunate tug caught in the Scheldt estuary in September 1944. In this case the shell splashes from the aircraft's four 20mm cannon assist the pilot in correcting his aim before unleashing a salvo of RPs.


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