Picture of the day.

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"... As the range decreased to 2,000 yards, Rowan was hit by a torpedo by a German E-boat. She sank in less than a minute, taking 202 of her 273 officers and men with her. Those whose bodies were not recovered, were listed as 'missing in action' for a year and a day after the sinking. They were considered officially 'dead' on 12 September 1944." [Wikipedia]
A soldier of the 13th Battalion (5th Kresowa Division) demonstrating a method of operating the 'George' (Jurek) or 'Polish V3' decoy dummy soldier. It was designed to divert enemy fire and, at the same time, to gauge the strength of the enemy fire power. Photograph taken at the battalion position at River Senio, March 1945.
A soldier of the 13th Battalion (5th Kresowa Division) demonstrating a method of operating the 'George' (Jurek) or 'Polish V3' decoy dummy soldier. It was designed to divert enemy fire and, at the same time, to gauge the strength of the enemy fire power. Photograph taken at the battalion position at River Senio, March 1945.View attachment 473586
Thankfully Jurek has a moustache otherwise he would have fooled no one.:lol:

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